
Southeast 2017 Schedule

613 bytes added, 15:24, 28 April 2017
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| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Histonets: Operationalizing historic images using machine learning for research
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Jack Reed, Geospatial Web Engineer, Stanford University
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| This presentation will discuss a novel use of machine learning and computer vision techniques on historic maps. As scholars turn to images for research, extracting operational data from them can often be a time consuming and error prone task. Primary research data for historical road networks can be obtained from images and often times is manually extracted. A recently developed open source software project, Histonets, aims to solve these problems by providing a semi-automated way for users to extract road network data from historic maps. Much of this technology is reliant on the IIIF Image API for delivering images. The presentation will demonstrate the software, discuss challenges encountered, and the future of the project. '''[ Link to presentation]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| DOE Code
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Katie Knight, Metadata and Cataloging Librarian, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| This presentation will be an overview of DOE Code, the new software project from the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI). DOE Code aims to provide an open source, social platform for all DOE scientific software. It connects to repositories on GitHub, Bitbucket, and others, and provides a place to host code for users that are unable to use other hosting services. Since DOE Code is itself an open source product, other institutions will be able to download and deploy it for their own purposes too. This presentation will also include some detail of the proposed metadata schema. By sharing our project with a community of information and metadata experts, we hope to invite discussion, critique, alternate perspectives, and/or general feedback so as to strengthen the project as a whole. '''[ | Link to presentation materials ]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Where We're Headed with Bento-Box Search
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Kevin Beswick, Digital Technologies Development Librarian, North Carolina State University
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Last year, NCSU Libraries released QuickSearch, an open source, Ruby on Rails based toolkit for easily creating bento-box search applications. Since then, we've added new features, improved existing features, released new searcher plugins, and improved documentation. This talk will outline several improvements we've made, such as making it easier to create plugins to integrate with external APIs, improved analytics collection and visualization, typeahead support, as well as features we have planned, and our vision for the future of bento-box search. I'll also outline a recently completed project that migrated an existing bento-box search application for Special Collections to the QuickSearch toolkit. '''[ Link to presentation]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Techniques for Optimizing Reusable Content in LibGuides
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Terri Holtze, Head of Web Services, University of Louisville Libraries
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Learn techniques for optimizing reusable content while creating flexible designs in LibGuides. This presentation will focus on using widgets and flexbox styling with LibGuides to reduce updating workflow and improve responsive design. '''[https://wikiworks.code4libbepress.orgcom/terri-holtze/4/File:Techniques_for_Optimizing_Reusable_Content_in_LibGuides.pdf | Link to presentation materials ] [ | Presentation Notes ]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| The Experience IS the Product: Hacking Library Experiences and Products with Design Thinking
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Christeene Alcosiba,Manager of Operations and Public Programming, Rose Library, Emory University
| style="border-top:0.0104in solid #cccccc;border-bottom:0.0104in solid #000001;border-left:0.0104in solid #cccccc;border-right:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| User Experience or UX design is an emerging discipline and specialty within academic libraries. But often our (or our executive leaders') understanding of this practice is limited to its application in web strategy and design. This talk explores ways that design thinking principles can enhance not only our web presence - but also hack the way we think about library processes, programs, and digital products. '''[ | Link to presentation materials ]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Teaching 3D Digital Skills at GSU Library
| style="border-top:0.0104in solid #cccccc;border-bottom:0.0104in solid #cccccc;border-left:0.0104in solid #cccccc;border-right:0.0104in solid #000001;padding:0in;"| Spencer Roberts, Digital Scholarship Librarian, and Jessica Moss, Georgia State University
| style="border-top:0.0104in solid #cccccc;border-bottom:0.0104in solid #000001;border-left:0.0104in solid #cccccc;border-right:0.0104in solid #000001;padding:0in;"| Georgia State University Library is about to pilot a digital skills training and badging program that will teach students how to use 3D scanners, digital modeling tools, and 3D printers. Students will earn a digital badge and create digital portfolios where they can showcase their work. Students will digitize artifacts from university collections in the library and other departments, thereby adding value to their learning experience and expanding our digital collections. We will provide an overview of our project goals and plans, and welcome feedback or suggestions as we explore this new content area for scholarly training in the library. '''[ | Link to presentation materials ]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Putting the Easy in EZID for ETDS
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Bethany Nash, Scholarly Repository Librarian, Simon O'Riordan, Metadata Analyst, and Jay Varner, Operating Systems Analyst/Admin, Sr., Emory University
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| In 2016, Emory University Libraries started a project to implement DOIs in our Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) repository application. This presentation will cover the reasons for the project, working with EZID, challenges faced along the way, what we learned during the project, and tips and tools for implementing DOIs for ETDs. We will also discuss team dynamics and roles and responsibilities for the software engineer, metadata analyst, and product owner. '''[ Link to presentation]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Coding the Encyclopedia: Wiki Markup for Beginners
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Jenn Young Educational Analyst, and Courtney Baron,Teaching and Learning Librarian at Oxford College, Emory University
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Have you been interested in editing Wikipedia, but aren't sure how to get started? Do you already use Wikipedia's WYSIWYG editor and want to expand your editing capabilities? Wiki markup allows you to edit and create new articles and add diverse features to Wikipedia pages. Whether you're new to editing Wikipedia or have some experience, you'll learn how to code your way through the world's largest online general reference work at this deep-dive session. '''[https://wikidocs.code4libgoogle.orgcom/imagespresentation/bd/b31eGdkzSt8C_DK8BkEpIeVBVJKBSyDhtVU4bpLBWbvAZQ/Wiki_markup_cheatsheet_ENedit#slide=id.pdf | Wiki Markup Cheatsheet used for the session p3 Link to presentation]''' '''[ Folder with presentation, cheatsheet and information links]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Managing eResources with MS CEASR
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Melissa Randall, Electronic Resources Cataloger, and Jessica Scott, Library Specialist, Clemson University
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Clemson Libraries adds bibliographic records to the online public catalog for all eBook titles held in non-aggregated subscriptions, purchases, and those provided by our Consortia. While we use ProQuest's Intota for conventional Electronic Resources management tasks, it does not track some needed management steps, namely MARC Record loads, ILS cleanups, cataloging workload, and vendor or collection problem resolutions. We will present how we codified the collections and adapted ERMes, a relational database from Murphy Library, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, to suit our needs. We'll cover the phases of the project, lessons learned, and future development plans for what we call Management System for Clemson Ebooks and Streaming Resources, or MS CEASR. '''[ Link to presentation.]''' '''[ Link to presentation notes]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Building information visualizations with PubMed
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Ed Sperr, Clinical Information Librarian, Augusta University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| The E-utils interface is a powerful tool for querying the multitude of databases available at the NCBI, particularly PubMed. In this session, we'll explore how one can use this interface in conjunction with Google charts and venn.js to develop simple (yet sophisticated) interactive tools for visualizing the biomedical literature. '''[ | pdf Link to presentation materials ]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| The Scholar's Backpack: Using virtual environments to support modern research practice.
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Bret Davidson,Interim Associate Head, Digital Library Initiatives, North Carolina State University Libraries
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Increased emphasis on the reproducibility of research has ignited a shift toward more open practices, creating new requirements for researchers to improve research infrastructure and develop a modern research skill set. This talk will define a modern research skill set, discuss its relationship to the principles of open science, and introduce the Scholar's Backpack, a project to help researchers create the scientific computing environments they need to be productive. We will show how we are simplifying the learning experience for novice data scientists, how we are improving the reproducibility of scientific computing environments, how these environments have been used in our own Summer of Open Science workshop series, and how they could be applied to library services in a variety of disciplines. '''[ | Link to presentation materials ]'''
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| All Together Now: AUC Woodruff Library's Collaborative Coding Interest Group
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Joshua Hogan, Metadata & Digital Resources Librarian, and Justin DeLa Cruz, Unit Head, E-Learning Technologies, Atlanta University Center, Woodruff Library
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| In the spring of 2016 librarians and other staff members at the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library began to discern a need for enhancing staff skills in computer programming and information technology. Staff members across many departments were keen to enhance their skills to work with digital asset management programs, online materials, websites and library guides, or automating repetitive tasks. Accordingly, librarians from the Digital Services Department and the E-Learning Technologies Department began meeting to plan the formation of a collaborative group. The Coding Interest Group, as it became known, was created to enhance learning and maintain motivation through peer mentorship and shared experience. This presentation will focus on the experiences the group has had as a collaborative group, learning and teaching new skills together. It also aims to provide recommendations on how to establish similar initiatives in other libraries. Tips on best practices and reflections on improvement will also be included.'''[ Link to presentation]'''
| style="background-color:#d9ead3;border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Discussion
| style="background-color:#d9ead3;border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Future of Code4Lib Southeast
| style="background-color:#d9ead3;border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Everyone. Leaders: Laura Akerman, Elizabeth Mumpower, Rosalyn Metz. | style="background-color:#d9ead3;border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| '''[ Notes]'''