
Code4Lib2018 Posters

33 bytes added, 22:41, 19 February 2018
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===Charlie Harper, Amanda Koziura, What Makes a Librarian Digital?===
Poster PDF: This poster reflects an ongoing project to study the nature of the “digital librarian.” In this poster, we analyze 2017 postings from Code4Lib’s job board with job titles that include the words “digital” and “librarian” in any combination. We use NVivo and text-mining tools to look for patterns (or lack thereof) in the responsibilities, skills, and educational requirements for these positions. This work is a timely update on the evolving nature of digital librarians, and it offers a fresh and well-needed scholarly perspective on larger changes to library employment practices. As a former archaeologist and a former actress, we now find ourselves working as Digital Learning and Scholarship Librarians. A growing number of individuals are, likewise, following similarly non-traditional pathways to the library, and rightly so. The job market for new graduates across fields is perilous and many of the digital needs of libraries are going unmet. A deeper understanding of the prevailing skills that one must cultivate to become employable as a digital librarian is needed.
===Bohyun Kim, Interdisciplinary Learning on Artificial Intelligence through Libraries===