
2011 Preconference Proposals

1,027 bytes added, 15:27, 20 October 2010
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'''Please include a "Contact/Responsible Individual" name and email address so we know who is willing to put on the proposed precon.'''
== What's New In Solr ==
* Description: The library world is fired up about Solr. Practically every next-gen catalog is using it (via Blacklight, VuFind, or other technologies). Solr has continued improving in some dramatic ways, including geospatial support, field collapsing/grouping, extended dismax query parsing, pivot/grid/matrix/tree faceting, autosuggest, etc, including anything new that is implemented prior to the conference. This session will cover all of these new features, showcasing live examples of them all.
* Duration: half-day
* Speaker Bio: Erik has spoken at several code4lib conferences (Keynoted Athens '07 along with the infamous pioneering Solr preconference, presented at Providence '09, and pre-conferenced Asheville '10). Erik co-authored "Lucene in Action", and he's a Lucene and Solr committer. His library world claims to fame are founding and naming Blacklight, original developer on Collex and the Rossetti Archive search.
* Contact: Erik Hatcher (erik.hatcher at