
Logo Design Process

1,432 bytes added, 16:53, 3 December 2008
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This page will document the process we are undertaking to create a logo for Code4Lib.
== Draft Requirements Document ==
Code4Lib Logo Design Briefing and Requirements
About Code4Lib
Code4Lib is a loose collaboration of library software developers and technologists interested in learning, sharing their experiences, and having fun. There is no "membership", you simply participate. There is no "organization", you simply lead. Anyone who wishes to be involved with an activity (for example, the Code4Lib Journal) simply does it.
There are many ways to participate. Code4Lib offers a web site, a wiki, a chatroom, a mailing list, an RSS aggregation service, a journal, and a conference.
Key themes to consider include software, technology, libraries, librarians, participation, openness, and collaboration. Also, the group is very technically-inclined and savvy about writing, debugging, and deploying software.
Logo requirements:
* The organization name (Code4Lib) must be included in the final logo.
* The logo must be identifiable.
* The logo should be simple and clear in concept.
* It must be distinctive in the quality and originality of
its visual image and not offend any sensitivities.
* The concept should have relevance to the organization.
* It must adapt well to electronic and printed media, to
reproduction on small surfaces, and to use in color, both in
positive and in negative form.
* It must be free of any copyright or other intellectual property