
Craft Brew Drinkup

103 bytes added, 13:03, 31 January 2011
adding date/time/location straw-person proposal
'''Date and Time TBA.'''(Proposal: TUESDAY PM, in the hospitality suite, immediately following official conference reception?)
The Craft Brew Drinkup at Code4lib 2011 is all about sharing and enjoying good beer with fellow conference attendees. The idea is to bring bottles of your favorite beers. For this sort of thing anarchivist usually recommends bringing 22 oz bottles, but 12 oz. is OK if it's strong or really special. While you're not obligated to bring local beers from whereever you're from, participants are definitely encouraged to bring beer that you think is special and might be somewhat hard for others outside your area to find. Sign up below with your name, where you're from, and list a few brews or bottles you're thinking (but not necessarily committing to bring along.) You can also request that people bring specific beer if you so desire, but not necessarily expect this.