
HAMR: Human/Authority Metadata Reconciliation

516 bytes added, 21:30, 7 February 2011
Draft Matching Algorithm
if strength > loc element's current strength value
overwrite loc element's strength and match values
//this second loop routine pulls set of non-nested loops pull out the strongest matches
for each item in auth
//x = some arbitrary barrier for a decent enough match
if element strength > x AND if matching element is still in the a1 loc list
pop each element and add their values to output array
for each item in loc if element strength > x AND if matching element is still in the auth list pop each element and add their values to output array //now do cleanup and look for values that have no decent matches for each element in loc pop element and add to output array without match //x loc="Heyward", auth="", strength="" for each element in auth pop element and add to output array without match //x loc="", auth="Perry", strength="" return output