2023 Keynote Speakers Nominations

Revision as of 22:05, 7 November 2022 by Kayiwa (Talk | contribs) (Nominate Dr. Grady)

Revision as of 22:05, 7 November 2022 by Kayiwa (Talk | contribs) (Nominate Dr. Grady)

Nominations for Keynote speakers for the Code4Lib 2023 Conference are now being accepted. The conference will take place March 15-17, 2023 at Princeton University.

Nominations will close at midnight on November 29, 2022.

When making a nomination, please consider whether the nominee is likely to be an excellent contributor in each of the following areas:

1) Appropriateness. Is this speaker likely to convey information that is useful to many members of our community?

2) Uniqueness. Is this speaker likely to cover themes that may not commonly appear in the rest of the program?

3) Contribution to diversity. Will this person bring something rare, notable, or unique to our community, through unusual experience or background?

Please include a description and any relevant links. Please try to keep the list in alphabetical order.

We require the following information in your nomination for a candidate to act as keynote:

  • Speaker’s full name
  • Brief description of individual (250-word max)
  • Pertinent links (Maximum of 3)
  • Contact information for candidate (email address)

The Keynote Committee will attempt to contact all nominees and will only include on the ballot those who consent to be nominated.

If you would prefer to submit a nomination anonymously, please send your nominee(s) to Tyler Wade at tw8766@princeton.edu tw8766@princeton.edu.

Please follow the formatting guidelines:

== Nominee's Name ==

Description of no more than 250 words.

[[Link(s) with contact information for nominee]]

[mailto:email_link.foo nominee's email address]

Dr. Siobahn Day Grady

Dr. Grady serves as a beacon for (especially) women of color in STEM. She is a computer and information scientist and the first woman to graduate with a computer science Ph.D. from the College of Engineering at N.C. A&T State University, was chosen as a STEM Ambassador by the If/Then Initiative, which seeks to bring more women and minorities into hard sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics. As an Assistant Professor at the only ALA-Accredited HBCU Library School Dr. Grady continues to create a vision for minority girls' and women's futures. She realizes that vision by providing educational opportunities through community organizations, philanthropic efforts, college courses and research grants and publications.

More Information about Dr. Grady Can be found at her website[1].

Siobahn Grady

Jane Doe (example)

Jane works at ________, doing _______.

Some pertinent history/biography/hyperlinks that illustrates why Jane would be a good keynote speaker.
