2010 Lightning Talks Signup

Revision as of 12:58, 25 February 2010 by (Talk) (Lightning Talks 3)

Revision as of 12:58, 25 February 2010 by (Talk) (Lightning Talks 3)

Code4Lib page about lightning talks

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Lightning Talks 1

Tuesday 14:40-15:50 [14 slots]

  1. UW Forward - Steve Meyer
  2. MODS4Ruby & Opinionated XML - Matt Zumwalt
  3. The Digital Archaeological Record - Matt Cordial
  4. Hydra: Blacklight + ActiveFedora + Rails - Willy Mene
  5. Why CouchDB? - Benjamin Young
  6. Data integrity (cheap, fast, and easy) - Gwen Exner
  7. HathiTrust Large Scale Search update - Tom Burton-West
  8. EAD and MARC Sitting in a Tree: D-R-U-P-A-L - Mark A. Matienzo
  9. EZproxy Wondertool - Paul Joseph
  10. HathiTrust APIs - Albert Bertram
  11. Repository of MARC Abominations - Simon Spero and J-Rock
  12. Mystery Meat - Joe Atzberger
  13. Fuwatto Search - Masao Takaku

Lightning Talks 2

Wednesday 14:40-15:50 [14 slots]

  1. LibX Update - Godmar Back Code4Lib Sneak Preview of LibX for Google Chrome
  2. How to build a Virtual Bookshelf Without Solr (or MySQL) - Maccabee Levine
  3. VIVO, an interdisciplinary national network - Paul Albert
  4. WolfWalk, two ways - Jason Casden
  5. Custom metasearch widgets - Alex Smith
  6. Node.js development - Gabriel Farrell
  7. Catalog Auto-suggest using SOLR - Jill Sexton
  8. EmeraldView, a PHP frontend for Greenstone [slides] - Yitzchak Schaffer
  9. Kill the Search Button - Michael Nielsen, Jørn Thøgersen [facilitated by Roy Tennant]
  10. You Heard It Here First... - Roy Tennant
  11. File Information Tool Set (FITS) - Spencer McEwen
  12. JavaScript E-book Reader -- Eric Palmitesta
  13. Faceted browse on the cheap - Tom Keays

Lightning Talks 3

Thursday 10:15-11:00 [9 slots]

  1. Batch OCR using Open Source Tools - Jonathan Brinley
  2. VuFind at Western Michigan University - Birong Ho
  3. Please clean my data! - Vinita Tuteja, National Library of Australia
  4. Library a la Carte update - Kim Griggs and Michael Klein
  5. Serving Fedora content using Drupal and Fedora content models and disseminators - Alexander O'Neill, University of Prince Edward Island
  6. Library Values for the Internet - Jodi Schneider
  7. GroupFinder: Who/What/Where/When for patrons at your library - Joe Ryan, NCSU
  8. Digital Video on the Cheap - Datastore and conversion using video APIs (YouTube, blip.tv): Jason Clark, Montana State University
  9. EAD, APIs, and Cooliris: providing access to digitized archival materials. - Tim Shearer
  • (waiting list) "If you see Fedora and Shibboleth coming and can't get out of the way..." -Birkin James Diana, Brown University