

25,442 bytes added, 16:59, 6 February 2009
February 6th #code4lib planning meeting
== February 6th #code4lib planning meeting ==
FORTHCOMING(10:05:52 AM) edsu: anyone here for the weekly linked-data thingameebob?<br>(10:06:15 AM) rsinger: i'm only here for the witty repartee<br>(10:06:23 AM) rsinger: and the donuts<br>(10:06:25 AM) lbjay: "lbjay... present"<br>(10:07:11 AM) ***mjgiarlo is here<br>(10:08:12 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo: you taping this again?<br>(10:08:36 AM) ***mjgiarlo clicks record<br>(10:09:32 AM) ***lbjay puts on his serious hat<br>(10:09:42 AM) edsu: don't do that now :)<br>(10:10:14 AM) edsu: first order of business (should've had an agenda i guess)<br>(10:10:49 AM) edsu: lbjay: you had an idea for possibly getting together pre-pre-conference to work through some of the logistics?<br>(10:11:18 AM) lbjay: edsu: yes<br>(10:11:39 AM) lbjay: edsu: assuming some of us make it to town on Sunday night<br>(10:11:56 AM) edsu: i will be<br>(10:12:05 AM) edsu: iand: are you here?<br>(10:12:20 AM) ***mjgiarlo votes for meeting over beer.<br>(10:12:21 AM) lbjay: i can make the drive down. only a little > 1hr<br>(10:12:23 AM) iand: is anybody really here?<br>(10:13:23 AM) rsinger: let me see when i get in on sunday<br>(10:14:11 AM) edsu: iand: you flying into US on the Sunday?<br>(10:14:42 AM) rsinger: i get to pvd at 6:15<br>(10:14:50 AM) iand: edsu: I am<br>(10:15:35 AM) iand: edsu: I think I land at 12:15pm local time<br>(10:15:55 AM) iand: so I'll be around in the evening<br>(10:16:08 AM) edsu: iand: way ahead of all of us i guess, so you'd be up for getting together in the evening to go over some of the details of the next day? ... cool<br>(10:16:59 AM) edsu: rsinger: you be ok too? i guess it would have to be later, maybe 8?<br>(10:17:02 AM) rsinger: i guess realistically this means i won't be available until ~8pm?<br>(10:17:11 AM) edsu: maybe over drinks? :)<br>(10:17:15 AM) rsinger: natch<br>(10:17:59 AM) iand: edsu: drinks would be a condition of my acceptance :)<br>(10:18:29 AM) mjgiarlo: Lords Of the Dance pre-conf planning meeting.<br>(10:19:40 AM) rsinger: so perhaps this morning we come up with a desired outcome and draft a rough schedule of the morning?<br>(10:20:18 AM) rsinger: i have already thrown my desired outcome in the ring<br>(10:20:36 AM) edsu: so how much time do you think we have to fill in the am?<br>(10:20:41 AM) edsu: it starts at 9?<br>(10:21:16 AM) lbjay: edsu: i'm not sure we've ever said what time it starts<br>(10:21:18 AM) mjgiarlo: Hopefully no earlier than 9.<br>(10:21:28 AM) lbjay: 9 seems reasonable<br>(10:22:00 AM) rsinger: so that gives 3-3.5 hours for education?<br>(10:22:16 AM) lbjay: rsinger: can you repeat your desired outcome?<br>(10:22:47 AM) edsu: so lets say 9-12 for the AM session?<br>(10:22:56 AM) rsinger: lbjay: i would like us to apply our newfound LOD abilities towards a LOD 'preconference proceedings' type site<br>(10:23:06 AM) edsu: 12:00-1:30 lunch?<br>(10:23:23 AM) edsu: 1:30-5:00 pm session?<br>(10:23:26 AM) lbjay: rsinger: righto. i remember now<br>(10:23:44 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: is your foaf/app idea similar to rsinger's?<br>(10:23:51 AM) rsinger: app is perhaps a little more automated than i can reasonably expect<br>(10:23:54 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo: i guess? yeah?<br>(10:24:08 AM) edsu: i want to figure out how much time we need to fill in the morning first, if possible<br>(10:24:44 AM) edsu: like 9:00 - 10:30 &break; 10:45 - 12:00 ?<br>(10:25:03 AM) lbjay: should we update the wiki as we proceed here? or maybe etherpad?<br>(10:25:34 AM) lbjay:<br>(10:26:16 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: +1<br>(10:27:36 AM) rsinger: edsu: so, how long for each slot?<br>(10:27:50 AM) edsu: so i just made up these slots<br>(10:28:20 AM) lbjay: i can do 20-30 minutes<br>(10:28:31 AM) mjgiarlo: charper: will you be around on Sunday eve?<br>(10:28:38 AM) edsu: what i put down for charper linked-data & libraries really feeds into what the swedes have done<br>(10:28:45 AM) charper: mjgiarlo: planning to be, yeah.<br>(10:31:17 AM) rsinger: looks like the morning is pretty well filled up<br>(10:31:18 AM) edsu: charper: i wasn't sure what to put you down for, you've got the verbal gift, so i'd like to tap it yo<br>(10:31:49 AM) charper: edsu: always willing to blather about pretty much anything.<br>(10:32:56 AM) rsinger: we probably want something about, too<br>(10:33:12 AM) mjgiarlo: openvocab seems to tie in with what lbjay suggested.<br>(10:33:25 AM) rsinger: it seems like throwing lbjay's, jphipp's and iand on openvocab together would make sense<br>(10:33:35 AM) iand: I am happy to talk about openvocab<br>(10:34:25 AM) mjgiarlo: iand: were you planning on doing a general RDF intro or an RDF/LOD intro? I know both were mentioned last time.<br>(10:34:55 AM) rsinger: i thought edsu was going to do the LOD intro<br>(10:35:06 AM) iand: mjgiarlo: I suggested doing both, but ... what rsinger said<br>(10:35:14 AM) mjgiarlo: Just wanna make sure we don't have much duplication.<br>(10:35:32 AM) rsinger: iand: how long is your developer intro?<br>(10:35:36 AM) lbjay: if the am slots are each 30 we're going to run from 9-12:30<br>(10:35:36 AM) edsu: i was planning on giving an overview of the day, and a short (hopefully) humorous intro to the semweb/linkeddata effort<br>(10:35:39 AM) lbjay: approx<br>(10:35:54 AM) iand: rsinger: I wanted to keep it short...rdf is not that interestign<br>(10:36:04 AM) rsinger: iand: but relatively important<br>(10:36:13 AM) edsu: rsinger: right<br>(10:36:13 AM) lbjay: critical, even<br>(10:36:18 AM) iand: in 30 mins I could cover rdf and linked data<br>(10:36:26 AM) charper: not sure the rdf bits have to be too in depth.<br>(10:36:29 AM) rsinger: i am still not entirely sure about the PM breakouts -- but i'm getting ahead of myself<br>(10:36:32 AM) iand: charper: yeah me too<br>(10:36:37 AM) charper: They'll come out further in the other sessions...<br>(10:36:38 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: do think a 10-15 minute overview of would be of interest? It seems to hit that sweet spot of "I have this data I want to LODify, how do I do it?" <br>(10:36:51 AM) edsu: charper: have you heard anders talk about libris before?<br>(10:36:58 AM) edsu: charper: i don't think martin is going to make it<br>(10:37:01 AM) charper: No, just Martin.<br>(10:37:08 AM) charper: edsu: I know, he mentioned that.<br>(10:37:09 AM) rsinger: i figure none of the 'demo' things need to be much more than 15 mins., do they?<br>(10:37:10 AM) charper: :(<br>(10:37:40 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo: i could do that, i've got a shiny new simplified version of i could demo<br>(10:37:50 AM) edsu: rsinger: yeah, 15 mins for demos<br>(10:37:52 AM) charper: jphipps might want a bit longer than 15 if he's talking about both registry and rda.<br>(10:38:03 AM) edsu: indeed<br>(10:38:32 AM) ***rsinger might not be off the hook anymore<br>(10:38:54 AM) lbjay: rsinger: do we have an idea of the vocabs to be used for our preconference app? will there be an opportunity to devise some custom terms?<br>(10:39:09 AM) lbjay: s/app/site/<br>(10:39:14 AM) rsinger: have we even agreed on that?<br>(10:39:54 AM) edsu: lbjay: this might be premature but i took a stab at layering some rdfa into<br>(10:39:57 AM) rsinger: just because i like it doesn't mean it has merit :)<br>(10:40:07 AM) charper: This might give a starting point for vocabs...<br>(10:41:04 AM) rsinger: charper: this is *exactly* what i was thinking<br>(10:41:42 AM) charper: rsinger: kind of those European SW folks to come up with the start of an ontology for us, then...<br>(10:42:02 AM) mjgiarlo: check the etherpad, we're filling up the AM perfectly if current time estimates are realistic.<br>(10:42:02 AM) rsinger: it would be sort of cool if it's designed so that an enterprising hacker could extend it to the entire conference<br>(10:42:21 AM) charper: was just thinking the same thing.<br>(10:42:48 AM) rsinger: off the hook again!<br>(10:42:54 AM) rsinger: w00t<br>(10:43:12 AM) lbjay: so i guess one challenge will be to work that development into some kind of narrative throughout the sessions<br>(10:44:15 AM) edsu: curl ""<br>(10:44:18 AM) rsinger: lbjay: yeah, seems doable, right?<br>(10:44:22 AM) edsu: you can see what i layered in there already<br>(10:44:24 AM) lbjay: rsinger: ayup<br>(10:45:09 AM) edsu: there's the rdfa highlight tool as well<br>(10:46:09 AM) edsu: so you'll see: <> a swc:ConferenceEvent ; swc:isSuperEventOf <> .<br>(10:46:15 AM) rsinger: sweet<br>(10:46:22 AM) rsinger: yeah<br>(10:46:25 AM) lbjay: yep<br>(10:46:50 AM) edsu: and you can then follow-your-nose to the preconf<br>(10:46:59 AM) edsu: curl ""<br>(10:47:57 AM) charper: edsu: do you think you can work this into your intro?<br>(10:48:06 AM) rsinger: hey, that works on my rdfa/foaf: curl ""<br>(10:48:14 AM) rsinger: (nothing else seems to)<br>(10:48:32 AM) rsinger: although obv. some of it is messed up<br>(10:49:14 AM) edsu: actually reload that last rdfa extract<br>(10:51:19 AM) edsu: charper: i could maybe work it into the intro yeah<br>(10:51:55 AM) charper: edsu: that could be good, provide the starting point to that narrative thread.<br>(10:52:01 AM) rsinger: so, how can we guide the intros/tutorials into this?<br>(10:52:18 AM) charper: Then even the hypotheticals / demos...<br>(10:52:30 AM) rsinger: iand: do you think an outcome of your into be that we all have the beginnings of a foaf?<br>(10:52:32 AM) edsu: i'm not sure why the rdfa distiller isn't distilling the assertions i see with rdfa highlighter, it should be picking <> swc:hasAttendee <><br>(10:52:35 AM) charper: Imagine if the talks descriptions had skos pointing to<br>(10:52:52 AM) charper: Then those could generate reading lists based on presenters and / or topics...<br>(10:53:09 AM) iand: rsinger: wasn't planning that outcome, but I could change things to make it more possible<br>(10:53:26 AM) rsinger: iand: i'm just throwing out ideas, i guess<br>(10:53:32 AM) rsinger: dunno if they're good :)<br>(10:53:44 AM) iand: I can use that as an example<br>(10:54:00 AM) iand: and ask people to follow along<br>(10:54:07 AM) edsu: i guess i was wondering if we could use the book raffle as a carrot<br>(10:54:19 AM) edsu: to learning teh rdf<br>(10:54:24 AM) rsinger: edsu: yes, i still like that idea<br>(10:55:00 AM) edsu: so we have at least a few people with foaf files: lbjay, iand, mjgiarlo, myself<br>(10:55:06 AM) lbjay: i'm starting to think my slot is too soon<br>(10:55:44 AM) lbjay: should maybe come after the two examples: and libris<br>(10:55:58 AM) rsinger: edsu: i can have what i showed above working by then<br>(10:56:06 AM) edsu: and i was thinking over the morning, afternoon we could get people to either a) create a foaf file and put it up somewhere b) create an foaf serving account<br>(10:56:18 AM) rsinger: edsu: or do you want something a little less hacky?<br>(10:57:31 AM) rsinger: edsu: curl ""<br>(10:58:04 AM) iand: could use<br>(10:58:13 AM) edsu: aye<br>(10:58:34 AM) edsu: and then they would basically contact one of us with a foaf file, and we would add them<br>(10:59:13 AM) rsinger: sure<br>(11:00:34 AM) edsu: and over the day i'd have a little app running crawling looking for people related to us, within a certain radius, that have an assertion like what i have currently in my foaf: <> <> <> .<br>(11:00:44 AM) edsu: and reporting on new people that it has found?<br>(11:00:54 AM) edsu: who could be randomly picked from for the book raffle?<br>(11:01:04 AM) edsu: is that too involved?<br>(11:01:19 AM) edsu: i guess in the end it doesn't even matter, it would just be icing on the cake<br>(11:01:20 AM) rsinger: i don't think so<br>(11:01:23 AM) rsinger: yeah<br>(11:01:45 AM) rsinger: so, ok -- what do we want the "takeaway" to be?<br>(11:01:58 AM) rsinger: since i think that will help frame the afternoon<br>(11:02:29 AM) edsu: take away for the am sessions?<br>(11:02:40 AM) edsu: or for my crazy foaf-book-raffle idea?<br>(11:02:52 AM) edsu: was thinking we'd save the raffle to the end of the day<br>(11:03:01 AM) edsu: since it'll prolly take that long to get working :)<br>(11:03:28 AM) rsinger: no, i mean for the preconf as a whole<br>(11:04:01 AM) rsinger: right now the PM sort of looks like a free-for-all<br>(11:04:21 AM) edsu: i think what iand said last time, to get people to realize that they can start doing this stuff in their own applications, with their own data now, would be the ideal outcome<br>(11:04:36 AM) edsu: rsinger: &laugh;<br>(11:06:04 AM) rsinger: i think that's fine, but i think having pre-planned to work towards (in various technologies) would make it easier to do that<br>(11:06:04 AM) lbjay: i have no idea what the afternoon is about anymore<br>(11:06:05 AM) mjgiarlo: What I'd like the outcome to be is for all attendees to be able to answer the following: "What is linked data and what is its value? How can I LODify my piles of data?"<br>(11:06:27 AM) rsinger: i think LOD-ifying my piles of data is way too broad and ambitious<br>(11:07:03 AM) mjgiarlo: Even if they learn it by example, I think that's useful.<br>(11:07:05 AM) charper: rsinger: why?<br>(11:07:07 AM) edsu: if data means an existing application though<br>(11:07:25 AM) charper: I mean, it's too ambitious for an outcome, but as a takeaway?<br>(11:07:37 AM) ***jbrinley assumed the afternoon would be taking example piles of data and showing how they can be LODified<br>(11:08:08 AM) rsinger: my fear is that we have two axes, basically: kinds of data and technologies to work with<br>(11:08:09 AM) lbjay: jbrinley: right. using php, python, java, etc.<br>(11:08:12 AM) mjgiarlo: Oh, were we talking takeaways for the AM? if so, my bad. Then just my first question.<br>(11:08:14 AM) edsu: i would prefer to s/data/application/<br>(11:08:23 AM) rsinger: edsu: me too<br>(11:09:02 AM) rsinger: that we break up and, in our technology of choice, deliver a certain aspect of a LOD<br>(11:09:23 AM) rsinger: that we get together occasionally to figure out how to link to each other<br>(11:09:50 AM) mjgiarlo: I am fine with s/piles of data/application/. Either one is useful.<br>(11:10:06 AM) charper: and to link outward - dbpedia, opan-calais, &c.<br>(11:10:40 AM) charper: I think I'd still like to have a data-piles/metadata-heaps track to the afternoon.<br>(11:10:42 AM) rsinger: i feel like if it's directed on monday, it will give them the experience to s/our application/their data/ in the future<br>(11:10:54 AM) charper: In case there's other full on metadata nerds there...<br>(11:11:03 AM) rsinger: the give a man a fish/teach a man to fish deal<br>(11:11:08 AM) edsu: charper: there will be<br>(11:11:34 AM) charper: XC people have expressed an interesting in offering us a pile of data in there schema to play with.<br>(11:11:35 AM) mjgiarlo: Are we talking about takeaways in order to scope the PM sessions?<br>(11:11:49 AM) rsinger: mjgiarlo: both sessions<br>(11:11:49 AM) charper: And they're working in a LOD-ready environment.<br>(11:11:52 AM) edsu: charper: oh yeah, is it already in triples?<br>(11:12:13 AM) charper: I believe a lot of it is in rdf/xml, yeah.<br>(11:12:27 AM) rsinger: xc is? really?<br>(11:12:32 AM) charper: And they're registering a lot of there properties with Diane and Jon.<br>(11:12:42 AM) edsu: just being able to think in terms of a graph, instead of a document will be new for people i think<br>(11:12:51 AM) rsinger: me too<br>(11:13:03 AM) edsu: so it would be valuable to have a pool of data to just rifle through with php, ruby whatever<br>(11:13:17 AM) edsu: charper: can you look into getting a copy of that?<br>(11:13:30 AM) edsu: charper: also, can we pin down what you are going to talk about a bit more?<br>(11:13:32 AM) charper: edsu: Yeah - I'll follow with Jennifer / Dave.<br>(11:13:48 AM) charper: edsu: sure... wait, you expect me to know in advance?!?!<br>(11:14:59 AM) mjgiarlo: Right now charper's got a 15-minute post-lunch slot re: "Linked Data and Libraries"<br>(11:15:13 AM) mjgiarlo: so sayeth the scratchpad.<br>(11:15:46 AM) edsu: charper: i'm biased, but i like what you have written and said about the potential of library authority data and linked data<br>(11:16:09 AM) charper: edsu: problem is, you and anders will likely cover much of that.<br>(11:16:28 AM) charper: My thinking was that I'd talk a bit about my feelings re: *why*<br>(11:16:30 AM) edsu: charper: yes, but we could go after you<br>(11:16:36 AM) charper: Mmm - that's true.<br>(11:17:00 AM) edsu: another option is digging into the outside library world of linked data<br>(11:17:08 AM) edsu: dbpedia, geonames, freebase, etc<br>(11:17:15 AM) rsinger: ok, so from the perspective of "we have a bunch of piles of data to play with" -- what can we 'make' with that?<br>(11:17:28 AM) rsinger: i seriously think a 'practical' application needs to come out of this<br>(11:17:37 AM) edsu: rsinger: i think the goal w/ the data would be to just get familiar with tools<br>(11:18:02 AM) charper: I wonder if we could tie it all back to that conference app...<br>(11:18:21 AM) edsu: i'm game for the conference app idea, but it seems ambitious<br>(11:18:41 AM) edsu: although, rsinger don't you have a conference appp already, from previous codefest?<br>(11:19:14 AM) rsinger: well, conferencekeeper -- the diebold-o-matic-o-tron<br>(11:19:53 AM) edsu: so rather than building something up from scratch i think it would be possible to turn that into a linked-data app possibly<br>(11:20:18 AM) mjgiarlo: latest idea = charper talks about value of linked authority data, then edsu about lcsh, then anders about libris?<br>(11:20:19 AM) rsinger: well, i was seriously thinking much more piecemeal than that<br>(11:20:34 AM) rsinger: but, yes, for the 'glue', we could do that<br>(11:20:38 AM) charper: I'm just thinking out loud, but what about if we pool together & link a bunch of conf & non-conf data, then see what happens if we dump it into something like exhibit?<br>(11:21:13 AM) charper:<br>(11:21:38 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo: i like that i think<br>(11:21:49 AM) mjgiarlo: k, reflected on scratchpad<br>(11:21:57 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo++<br>(11:23:35 AM) edsu: i'm wondering if jphipps should be moved up<br>(11:24:14 AM) rsinger: ok, so here's what i was thinking, possibly<br>(11:24:22 AM) edsu: well actually registries goes well w/ openvocab, after lbjay's to explain what to do if there doesn't seem to be a vocab for you to use<br>(11:24:29 AM) rsinger: we build something SIMPLE to describe the conf/preconf<br>(11:24:30 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: you don't like openvocab and registries together? ah, okay.<br>(11:24:36 AM) edsu: no i do<br>(11:24:37 AM) rsinger: perhaps RDF-only<br>(11:25:03 AM) rsinger: and then have one of the groups come up with apps that do something with it<br>(11:25:04 AM) rsinger: like<br>(11:25:09 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: maybe jphipps' RDA stuff could be broken out and moved up?<br>(11:25:17 AM) rsinger: calculate the combined "blogworth" of the attendees<br>(11:25:30 AM) rsinger: or the carbon footprint of the miles traveled to attend or something<br>(11:25:35 AM) edsu: corey, maybe you could incorporate rda into your linked-authority talk?<br>(11:25:42 AM) charper: edsu: I could do that.<br>(11:25:51 AM) edsu: and jphipps can gesture about how the registry is being used in that effort?<br>(11:26:01 AM) rsinger: gesticulate wildly<br>(11:26:05 AM) lbjay: i think we need an e-mail list to follow up on what we're discussing here<br>(11:26:07 AM) charper: It would actually fit with the "other data" too - in talking about the value of library URI's to the rest of the cloud.<br>(11:26:37 AM) mjgiarlo: lbjay: was pondering that last week.<br>(11:26:40 AM) edsu: charper: right on<br>(11:26:42 AM) charper: As I was just pointing out, iand's frbr stuff landed in the BBC's program ontology...<br>(11:26:57 AM) edsu: charper: i just adjusted your talk title in etherpad, does that seem ok?<br>(11:27:06 AM) edsu: charper: it did?<br>(11:27:26 AM) edsu: i think it'll be really important to stress the evolutionary bit about these vocabs<br>(11:27:32 AM) charper: edsu: sure.<br>(11:27:39 AM) charper: I don't want to steal RDA from jphipps, though.<br>(11:28:59 AM) charper: edsu: I still haven't found instance data that uses it, but the namespace shows up:<br>(11:29:17 AM) ***edsu wonders if sindice has crawled it yet<br>(11:30:04 AM) charper: I was poking at that bbc data set, and getting really excited about the spaces where our authority *and* bib data would link rather nicely.<br>(11:30:05 AM) edsu: so does anyone feel capable of slapping times on the AM sessions?<br>(11:30:45 AM) edsu: charper: cool, yeah it's really interesting to think about library data being used outside of the context of libraries<br>(11:31:04 AM) mjgiarlo: I'll take a stab<br>(11:31:25 AM) charper: mjgiarlo: if I drink enough coffee, I only need 20 min...<br>(11:31:25 AM) rsinger: not to sound like a broken record...<br>(11:31:56 AM) rsinger: but what do we think is realistic for the afternoon session?<br>(11:32:45 AM) lbjay: list created:<br>(11:32:54 AM) lbjay: we can use it or not<br>(11:33:15 AM) ***rsinger joined.<br>(11:33:28 AM) edsu: lbjay: you want to invite the people in the list?<br>(11:33:36 AM) lbjay: I gotta split. I have a date with a chacarerro sandwich<br>(11:33:37 AM) mjgiarlo: is 1:45 too long to go without a break?<br>(11:33:38 AM) lbjay: edsu: ok<br>(11:33:50 AM) ***edsu joined<br>(11:33:59 AM) rsinger: mjgiarlo: no, i don't think so<br>(11:34:00 AM) edsu: lbjay: seeyas<br>(11:34:04 AM) edsu: lbjay: and thanks!<br>(11:34:10 AM) lbjay: i'll send invites to the planners on the list you sent out<br>(11:34:11 AM) rsinger: mjgiarlo: ~ the length of a movie<br>(11:34:24 AM) mjgiarlo: Great.<br>(11:34:57 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo: i could talk 15 mins longer i guess<br>(11:35:04 AM) edsu: and we could break after corey?<br>(11:35:44 AM) charper: looks like lunch might get pushed back a bit.<br>(11:35:50 AM) charper: Maybe that makes sense, though?<br>(11:36:14 AM) charper: 3.5 hours in morning, 3 hours after lunch?<br>(11:36:36 AM) edsu: people will be crispy and in need of beverage by then<br>(11:36:45 AM) mjgiarlo: k, revision 3 has times.<br>(11:37:16 AM) mjgiarlo: comments and edits appreciated<br>(11:37:39 AM) edsu: i'm pretty happy with that<br>(11:39:14 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: your intro could be longer if you want, and we could shift the break, add a shorter break elsewhere, etc. I like having charper's talk followed immediately by edsu's and anders's, and also having lbjay's followed immediately by iand's and jphipps's.<br>(11:39:27 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: don't wanna short-change you.<br>(11:40:42 AM) charper: mjgiarlo: yeah, the order of things in the morning seems natural, and definitely don't want to short-change edsu.<br>(11:41:20 AM) mjgiarlo: I am very pleased with the AM.<br>(11:41:40 AM) edsu: no, it's cool<br>(11:41:43 AM) edsu: 15 min is better<br>(11:41:56 AM) edsu: yeah, the am seems pretty solid to me now<br>(11:42:29 AM) edsu: rsinger: so what do you think of the AM?<br>(11:42:35 AM) rsinger: looks great to me<br>(11:42:44 AM) edsu: also, people in channel who might be attending what do you think of the AM :)<br>(11:42:50 AM) mjgiarlo: adjourn soon and solidify the PM on the list and/or next Friday?<br>(11:42:53 AM) edsu: am =><br>(11:43:01 AM) mjgiarlo: ^ That was my stomach speaking.<br>(11:43:08 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo: aye<br>(11:43:17 AM) edsu: ok so that's a wrap then i guess?<br>(11:43:25 AM) mjgiarlo: Though I certainly have no desire to get in the way of momentum, or shut people up. :)<br>(11:43:44 AM) edsu: i'm going to cut n' paste this into the wiki?<br>(11:44:19 AM) charper: edsu - yeah, I think that's ready for the wiki.<br>(11:44:38 AM) rsinger: i think the morning looks great<br>(11:44:43 AM) rsinger: i have no idea about pm<br>(11:44:55 AM) ***charper still contemplating how to work rda/frbr/xc/piles-o-metadata into pm...<br>(11:45:02 AM) edsu: mjgiarlo: can you pop the logs into the discussion too?<br>(11:45:17 AM) edsu: charper: yeah, this is something we can chat about next time?<br>(11:45:17 AM) mjgiarlo: edsu: will do. prolly in the PM, since I like to clean it up a bit.<br>(11:45:22 AM) edsu: ok<br>(11:46:11 AM) charper: esdu: yep. next time it is, or on the new list...<br><br>
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