
Umlaut Technical Overview

612 bytes removed, 09:13, 26 November 2008
To give you an overview of the technical architecture of umlaut[[Umlaut]], we will go through a typical Resolve request, identifying all the classes involved, and pointing to their api doc if possible.
OpenURLs are sent to the default index action of the [ resolve controller].
In the resolve controller, a before filter method called init_processing is run to parse the OpenURL and set up the Umlaut request (or retrieve an existing request).
==OpenURL parsing and initial actionTechnical Overview Sections==
In understanding Umlaut, it's helpful to understand a bit about the nature of an OpenURL, including that an OpenURL is composed of several entities or groupings of metadata. Jeff Young's # [ Q6 blog[Request Setup and Environmental Context]] includes one good explanation of the six OpenURL entities.  Two sets of classes are involved in dealing with OpenURLs in Umlaut. The ropenurl library is generally used # [[ServiceResponse data structures and generation]] -- Includes guide to parse OpenURLswriting your own services. However, Umlaut serializes OpenURLs to it's own classes--# [ Request[View architecture and control flow], to represent an incoming OpenURL request, and some constituent data in [ Referrent], # [ Referent Value[Background services], ] -- control and [ Referrer].view architectures for background services