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Umlaut Setup

3 bytes added, 16:20, 19 June 2012
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=WARNING: This is Outdated Documentation!!!!=
'''THIS IS OUTDATED DOCUMENTATION''' See new Umlaut documentation at
= Umlaut First-Time Setup and Configuration =
This will create several directories including the one we care about now: $Umlaut/config/umlaut_config/
Mysql by default has no password for the root user. If you have set a root password, you will need to add this to $Umlaut/config/database.yml
In Umlaut (a little bit different than standard Rails), your local connection information for your dbs is stored in $Umlaut/config/umlaut_config/database.yml. There should already be an example file there with some hints in it.
We reccommend MySQL 5.x for use with Umlaut. ( SQLite3 won't work, unless you figure out a way to compile it with concurrency support). Create your databases in MySQL. We recommend making sure they are set to UTF8 char encoding. (eg, (CREATE DATABASE 'Name' DATABASE my_db_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8). Don't create any tables in your databases yet, that will be done automatically. Do fill out your umlaut_config/database.yml file to point at the right place.
For search functions (manually entered journal name or citation), Umlaut uses a direct db connection to your SFX instance. You should use the MySQL utility to create a new user in the SFX MySQL instance, which is granted only select permissions to the SFX databases. Then, you can fill out your SFX direct to db connection information in config/umlaut_config/database.yml.
Note: The A-Z list and journal name lookup will only currently work if using the direct connection to the SFX database.
After editing the institutions.yml file, it needs to be synced with the db, as some institution information is stored in the db. Umlaut should check on startup if timestamp of institutions.yml requires a resync and do it automatically, but if you want to do it manually you can cd into the $UMLAUT directory and run:
:rake umlaut:sync_institutions (RAILS_ENV=production)
== 6. Review additional local configuration ==
Some maintenance routines meant to be run nightly can be executed by cd'ing to your $Umlaut directory and running:
:rake umlaut:nightly_maintenance (RAILS_ENV=production)
To put that in a cron job, use this (with parens, where $Umlaut represents your umlaut install directory as usual):
== Next Steps? ==
To try out Umlaut, cd into the $Umlaut directory and run "./script/server" to launch the Rails app. (Be sure you've installed mongrel with 'sudo gem install mongrel', in which case Umlaut will be started with the mongrel environment. The default WEBrick environment will not work for Umlaut!). You'll then connect to Umlaut on   http://yourservername.tld:3000 .  The resolver base URL will be:   http://yourservername.tld:3000/resolve?. The A-Z search interface will be:   http://yourservername.tld:3000/search
The A-Z search interface will be (should also work on straight http://yourservername.tld:3000/search)
This is a fine way to start it just for testing, but to deploy it for real see [[Umlaut Deployment]].
You may also be interested in providing your own customized header, footer, or stylesheets. For this, and more localization, you'll find it helpful to see [[Umlaut Local Configuration Architecture]].

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