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(List of suggested keynote speakers to be voted on eventually)
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Revision as of 13:10, 24 July 2009

Alphabetical order. Not yet complete

Stephen Downes

"a great speaker and works with the Canadian National Research Council. He would definitely bring a more teaching and learning perspective to his talk."

Penny Leach

"2009 Google Open Source Award winner in the "Best Education Hacker" category, and a contributor to both Moodle and Mahara. From her blog: "This is a website about me. I am just this girl, who works on open source web based education stuff, and drinks too much."

Peter Morville

"most commonly known as the author of 'Ambient Findability', and co-author of 'Information Architecture for the World Wide Web'. He's president and founder of Semantic Studios [1], teacher at UMich, and blogger at findability.org.

Randall Munroe

"programmer/math geek/xkcd creator/all-around genius. His Authors@Google talk was pretty entertaining, and he seems like the kind of guy who would put some effort into surprising and engaging the crowd he's talking to."

Mark Pilgrim

because he "knows (real world, not necessarily library) standards about as well as anyone and advocates strongly for what's simple and practical (check out his work on Atom and HTML5), but he's also an advocate for doing what's right even when it's not necessarily easy … He's updating external link: Dive Into Python … He's funny, writes well, and seems to be articulate in person (based on his short-lived video log) … He lives in NC … His mother was a librarian. (Brett Bonfield)

Daniel Pitti

"formerly an authority control librarian, now a co-director for University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. He's been the chief technical architect for EAD and EAC (Encoded Archival Context), a companion data model thats much more machine-oriented and linked data-friendly. He's also worked on some really great, innovative digital humanities projects."

Jonathan Zittrain

co-founder of Harvard's external link: Berkman Center for Internet and Society (where external link: David Weinberger is a fellow) and author of "The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It"