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"2009 Google Open Source Award winner in the "Best Education Hacker" category, and a contributor to both Moodle and Mahara. From her blog: "This is a website about me. I am just this girl, who works on open source web based education stuff, and drinks too much."
== Andy Lester ==
author of ack "a grep replacement" and itinerant speaker on "Technical Debt" and employment in the tech world. He's a Perl guru working in the publishing indsutry. Andy's "Technical Debt" lecture would be a good fit, IMO, for the code4lib group.
* Technical Debt Talk: http://www.media-landscape.com/yapc/2006-06-26.AndyLester/
* Employment Stuff: http://theworkinggeek.com/
* He spoke at OSCON year on a couple of topics: http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2009/public/schedule/speaker/6552
* find him at twitter at: http://twitter.com/PetDance
== Joe Lucia ==