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2013 t-shirt design proposals

784 bytes added, 23:01, 11 January 2013
Code4Lib 2013 T-Shirt Design Proposals
Shaun Ellis
shaune at princeton dot edu
This is two color variations of one design. And, in case anyone doesn't get the reference: [ Put a bird on it video]
Shaun Ellis
shaune at princeton dot edu
I have asked permission to use the octocat. If it's not possible, we could use a normal "o"as git is under GPLv2 and has no such restrictions on use. Update: GitHub regrets to have to deny use of the octocat or github GitHub branding because they are not a sponsor or organizing the event. We will not be voting on this onethe octocat version. I did inquire about GitHub sponsorship though... :) ---- [[Image:Cold4lib_small.jpg]] Charlie Morris, Original photo courtesy of (Creative Commons) ---- I know mine is late…I didn't know about the deadline on the 31st. I humbly ask that it be considered. If not…well…I will be heartbroken, but will somehow pull through. I am having a professional artist from the IconFactory help me design this (I confess to having an ulterior motive). I'm Rich Wolf (rich and I'm presenting. This idea picks up on the Chicago city colors (white, blue, red) and shows Libby, the Librobot: [[Image:Libby.png]]

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