
2013 social activities

118 bytes added, 16:21, 30 January 2013
Game Night!
*** Considering that this is a public event, and that no one knows everyone's sensitivity levels in the room, it might not be a good idea to break out a crass, adult version of apples to apples in the middle of the gaming room. :cP (yo_bj)
** duspal: In. My board game collection is small but mighty (Arkham Horror, Catan, Vampire: Prince of the City, Deadlands: Battle for Slaughter Gulch, Arabian Nights, Diplomacy, Shogun, and Cosmic Encounter off the top of my head, amongst a few others). Let me know ahead of time if anyone is interested, since they're all relatively big...
**librarywebchic: I'm willing to bring a set and teach folks how to play Majhong. Need at least three to play though.
== Social Map - Places of Interest==