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Library Ontology

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= Library Ontology Draft =Editor: ''Jakob Voß'' (but everybody feel free to modify this This page, it's a wiki!) The '''Library Ontology''' is a proposed RDFS/OWL ontology has been moved to describe information about libraries in RDF. Up to now it is drafted in an open planning phase. There are many [[#Relevant_formats_and_models|formats and some ontologies]] for bibliographic data, addresses, and places which could be reused (instead of reinventing the wheel). Information about libraries is collected in several [[#Existing_library_registries|library registries]] which could be mapped to the Library Ontology. ''No background needed but fluent in RDF/Turtle syntax? Then goto [[Library Ontology Concepts]]!'' __TOC__== Purpose ==The purpose of the Library Ontology can best be described by examples and use cases. For example how do you state and express (in RDF) ... * that something is a library? * that some library building belongs to a given library institution? * opening times in RDF? * the URL of the OPAC of a library?* that a given collection is held by one library?* that a given collection is owned by someone?* the type of a library (if "type" is a usefull concept at all)?* ... ''please add more use-cases when you stumble upon!'' Some information can be expressed by existing Ontologies like vCard, but surely there are concepts and relationships which only make sense in context of libraries. The Library Ontology should define this RDFS/OWL classes and properties and collect existing classes and properties to be used for the description of libraries. == Concepts ==The basic concepts of the Library Ontology are collected at the page '''[[Library Ontology Concepts]]'''. == Existing library registries ==The [http International ISIL Agency] maintains a registry of library registries which act as local ISIL authorities. * English speaking countries or international** [ lib-web-cats]: maintained by Marshall Breeding** [ WorldCat Registry]: by OCLC** [ LibWeb]: only name, place, and URL** [ Talis Directory]** [ LibraryThing Local]** [ IRSpy]: Indexdata Z39.50 Target Directory** [ OCKHAM Digital Library Services Registry]** [ Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)]* Germany** [ ISILlibrary- und Sigelverzeichnis]: German ISIL registry** [ BibDir]: proposed German project** [ Deutsche Bibliotheken Online]: will be replaced by BibDir** md together with the page [ VdB Jahrbuch]: German printed registry** [ Jahrbuch der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken]: Another German printed registry** [ WEBIS]: special collections of the distributed German National Library Other related projects:* [ Global Information Locator Service (GILS)] == Other linked data sources with library information ==** dbpedia* ... == Relevant formats and models ==* RDFS/OWL Ontologies** [ Dublin Core Metadata Terms]** [ FOAF]** [ Event OntologyConcepts]** [ SKOS]** [httpwhich has been moved to vCard]** [ Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary]** [ FRBR]** [ Talis Library Schema]** [ Talis Address Schema]** [ Talis Directory Schema]** [ Bibliographic Ontology (Bibo)]: OWL Ontology** [ CIDOCconcepts-CRM]** [ GoodRelations]: includes for instance OpeningHoursSpecification and [ recognizable to Yahoo!'s SearchMonkey]** [ Academic Institution Internal Structure Ontology (AIISO)]: Includes foaf:Organization subclasses** [ RDF Book Vocabulary] ** ...* Other formats** [ MARC Communities format]** [ ZETA format] (used in Sigelverzeichnis)** [ OpenStreemap library tags]** [ Wikipedia library template]: Base of DBPedia, different in each language edition** [ I2 (Institutional Identifiers)]: NISO working group**

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