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Library Ontology Concepts

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This page collects some concepts (classes and properties) of the [[Library Ontology]]. To refer has been moved to other ontolgies the following namespace prefixes are defined (all in [httphttps://engist.wikipediagithub.orgcom/wikinichtich/Turtle_(syntax) Turtle syntax]): <pre>5300505# RDF basics@prefix rdf: <> .@prefix rdfs: <> .@prefix owl: <> .@prefix xsd: <> .@prefix ns: <> . # Other Ontologies@prefix dct: <> .@prefix dc: <> .@prefix foaf: <> .@prefix event: <> .@prefix skos: <> .@prefix bibo: <> .@prefix geo: <> .@prefix frbr: <> .@prefix vcard: <> .@prefix address: <> .@prefix mods: <> . # experimental - MODS is not RDF but parts of it can be used</pre> In addition <tt>mfc:</tt> refers to md together with the page [ MARC 21 Format for Community Information[Library Ontology]] which is not an ontology at all - but at least you can point has been moved to some existing MARC fields. For instance <tt>mfchttps:270$k</tt> is the telephone number (which can better be expressed as <tt>vcard:tel</tt> in RDF)gist. In the same way <tt>zeta:</tt> refers to the ZETA cataloging format in PICA+ which is used by the German Sigelverzeichnis (see [http://wwwgithub.zeitschriftendatenbank.decom/erschliessungnichtich/arbeitsunterlagen/zeta.html5300505#c10787 their rules]). For instance the telephone number is <tt>zeta:035B$a</tt>. == Classes ===== Library ===A file-library can be a collection, an organization, or a place-ontology-md<pre>:Library rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( bibo:Collection foaf:Organization geo:SpatialThing ) ] . :LibraryBuilding rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Library , geo:SpatialThing ; owl:intersectionOf ( :Library , geo:SpatialThing ) . :LibraryOrganization rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Library , foaf:Organization ; owl:intersectionOf ( :Library , foaf:Organization ) . :LibraryCollection rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Library , bibo:Collection . owl:intersectionOf ( :Library , bibo:Collection ) .</pre> === Addresses ===The Library Ontology does not define address classes and properties because there already is vCard. === Library Services ===See DAIA (no final RDF yet, but [ some notes]) === Other concepts ===holding, store, stack, loan... === Properties === === Identifiers ===<pre>:isil rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subClassOf dct:identifier .</pre> === Relationships between Libraries and their collections === * owns ?* holds ?* provides ? === Relationships between Libraries ===Libraries can be and have subordinate entities which do not need to be libraries. Libraries can split and join. Libraries can be friends ;-) * dct:hasPart/dct:isPartOf* foaf:knows* branch? subunit? partner?

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