

36 bytes added, 18:47, 25 November 2014
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'''Format Policy Registry - Actionable Preservation Planning''' - Artefactual systems has developed a Format Policy Registry (FPR) for Archivematica users to track and update file format policies within the Archivematica dashboard. Developer Justin Simpson will discuss the potential for integration of the FPR into other digital preservation and digital access tools, using examples from Hydra, Islandora, and Dataverse. The vision of coordinating digital preservation tasks within an institution and crowdsourcing solutions to digital preservation problems across multiple institutions will be discussed. An Archivematica sandbox will be available throughout the breakout session. Sarah Romkey (Artefactual Systems) will be available to answer questions while participants work in a live Archivematica instance. Bring Participants should bring a laptopto this session.
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