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How To Plan A Code4LibCon

2,778 bytes removed, 04:27, 15 December 2014
Keynoter logistics: break out into separate page
===Keynoter logistics===
'''When they agree to speak or shortly after''', keynoters will need information on:* conference registration (does the committee register them or do they need to register themselves, is there a discount code to get free registration or are they reimbursed)* hotel logistics (does the committee arrange or the speaker, is there a discounted block and how is it accessed)* travel logistics (who books, if the host books does the speaker have any restrictions or preferred carriers, if the speaker books are there restrictions on what can be reimbursed, if there are several regional airports is one of them preferred)* reimbursement policies and procedures (what expenses are reimburseable (in particular policies vary on alcohol), do they get reimbursements or a per diem for conference expenses, what paperwork do they need to submit to whom, if floating all these expenses presents a hardship for them is there a way to have someone else handle them up front)* if a W9 is required and where to send it* if they need to submit a bio/headshot for conference publicity and, if so, to whom* the fact that their talk will be livestreamed - this is not obvious to non-code4libbers They will also need to sign a speaking contract. Experienced speakers may have their own, and/or host institutions may have a standard. If the host's standard contract has non-OA-friendly terms on intellectual property, be prepared to help the speaker negotiate those as many code4libby speakers will care. If they are expected to book their own hotel, they should receive hotel information before general registration is opened to ensure the hotel does not fill before they get a room. If the committee books, likewise, do this early. '''A few weeks before the event''', keynoters will need information on: * travel between the venue and the airport (particularly if the committee will be providing this travel, i.e. will anyone be meeting you at the airport and if so where)* A/V setup (what computer is at the podium, can they plug their own in, what dongles will they need, do you provide dongles, is there wifi/podium internet, are there speakers if they want to play video - many venues have PCs and do not provide Mac dongles; speakers may have their own but committee would be well-advised to bring some)* event hashtag and other social media (remember non-code4lib speakers are probably unfamiliar with the IRC channel, @code4lib, etc.)* is there anywhere it might be good for them to upload their slides* who will be introducing them and what information that person needs Many speakers will appreciate receiving their check at the event, but will not be surprised to get it in the mail later. If you'll be sending it after, provide a time frame, and don't make them have to send follow-up emails to get itSee [[Keynote Committee Duties]].
===Talk Acceptance Letter (samples)===

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