
2014 Keynote by Sumana Harihareswara

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We in the open source community -- and code4lib is part of this -- put a lot of energy into lowering barriers to entry, like licensing and cost. And those are visible barriers that stop people from getting information. But bad usability is a barrier to entry too-- it's less visible but it's just as real.
Free access to education and free expression of political opinions and privacy from unwarranted surveillance are human rights (in the [ UN Declaration of Human Rights]), and even if you don't want to go that far, in general they're social justice goals that we all like. We're here because we share a vision -- less waste, more empowerment, getting knowledge into people's hands. But actually getting these benefits to our users requires that our users be able to use our software. So, in getting rid of user experience obstacles, we are working to achieve social justice goals.
OK, since it's so clear why we ought to make our products usable, why do we have this bottleneck?
In general, marginalized people develop more empathy than the dominant group, because we *have to*. We have to be able to see from other people's point of view, the dominant point of view, as a matter of survival.
This is one reason diversity in a group is useful - it includes people with different perspectives, AND is likely to have more people with the ability to see from multiple perspectives. Including the users' perspectives.''(see: ; "hegemonic masculinity" as coined by coined by Raewyn Connell: Connell, R. W. (2005). Masculinities (2nd ed.). Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press; "strong objectivity" (coined by Sandra Harding) and standpoint theory, Harding, S. (1993). Rethinking standpoint epistemology: what is strong objectivity? In L. Alcoff & E. Potter (Eds.), Feminist Epistemologies (pp. 49–82). New York, NY: Routledge. Much thanks to [ Mel Chua] for research on this.)''
And we need to be able to see from many different users' points of view, even when it's uncomfortable or shows us that we have failed.
* &
* by Jennifer Maiko Kishi
* by Zahra Ashktorab
* and
== Tweets ==
* [ ‏@yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana If the group making the software aren't diverse, things aren't going to change.
* [ ‏@cm_harlow] @brainwane diversity, empathy with multiple perspectives, then gets pushed out of tech, software #c4l14
* [ @yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana We need to treat front end functions with the same status as other positions in the tech field.
* [ @squaredsong] "Disciplined empathy" in user design. @brainwane argues is much needed in the tech #c4l14
* [ ‏@yo_bj] #c4l14 @brainwane started us off on a high note. Thanks again for the great talk!
* [ ‏@bohyunkim] @brainwane That was an amazing keynote. Thank you so much for speaking at #c4l14.
* [ ‏@seanaery] We need to bring library skills & values e.g. hospitality & access to IT services. UX is key. Awesome keynote by @brainwane #c4l14
* [ @helrond] @barkivist yeah I want to make all the archivists everywhere watch the opening keynote from #c4l14
* [ @jastirn] "We can figure out how to scale hospitality..." partially through better, more devoted UX #c4l14
* [ @tmasao] #c4l14 オープンニングキーノートおわり。Wikimedia財団のSumana Harihareswaraから。「ユーザビリティ」をテーマに、多様性、エモーションとハックについてマシンガントークでした。。。
** (translation from Google Translate: "Last open partitioning keynote. From Sumana Harihareswara of the Wikimedia Foundation. The theme of "usability", it was nonstop talk diversity, about the hack and emotion...")
* [ @digibib] The last mile hurdle:To make the right pieces of software that are usable and connects with the user.Design for user needs!@brainwane #c4l14
* [ @ranti] #c4l14 @brainwane's keynote take away: user experience, user perspective, and discipline of empathy. Thank you, Sumana! #UX
* [ @web_kunoichi] "A dedicated user experience team or person makes a huge difference." I will have to go find that #code4lib thread! #c4l14
* [ @tallgood] Great presentation @brainwane #c4l14 Better u/x is the best force multiplier we have. Agreed. @ASULibraries, let's jump on this train!
* [ ‏@eosadler] Inspiring keynote from @brainwane this morning. Great prompting to renew our efforts around usability, empathy, & social justice. #c4l14
* [ @JMarkOckerbloom] Wikimedia's @brainwane gave the #c4l14 keynote, "User Experience is a Social Justice Issue". Her speaker notes: …
* [ ‏@kvanmalssen] Inspiring keynote on usability at #c4l14 this morning by @brainwane: notes, links, script ….
* [ @chrpr] Love the #c4l14 focus on UX and usability this am. Also reminded of fine line between user studies and surveillance...
* [ @tararobertson] #c4l14 keynote from @brainwane: Library tech drops the ball on empathy and hospitality, a lot. Make UX a priority. …
* [ ‏@web_kunoichi] "UX is a social justice issue," we agreed, right? Maybe even a human rights issue? So is website accessibility! #c4l14
* [ @phette23] It's so cool to see @brianwane sticking around at #c4l14, asking questions, being a part of the community. She is teh awesome.
* [ @ranti] #c4l14 Just because your site is accessible doesn't mean your site is usable by default. UX still matters.
* [ @kayiwa] For a keynote speaker. It is frightening how approachable @brainwane is! #c4l14
* [ @chrpr] #c4l14 @kayiwa In addition to being approachable, @brainwane also has insightful answers to challenging questions!
* [ @bohyunkim] @chrpr @kayiwa Both @adainitiative & @brainwane also dropped by #libtechwomen & #code4lib IRC before the #c4l14 keynotes. Total awesomeness.
* [ @chrpr] Listening to @eosadler always helps me better understand how to inch toward the kind of empathy @brainwane beseeched of us. #c4l14
* [ @chrpr] I want to take yest's keynote, Bess' last 2 years of talks, Matienzo's lightning talk from 2013: burn to a dvd, send as a mass mail. #c4l14
* [ @toomuchjeff] #c4l14 My 12 yr old daughter loves coding. Shared with her the strong female participation and voice @ c4lib on way home from schol. Thanks!
* [ @adainitiative] Thank you to the #code4lib community for voting for keynotes from @brainwane and @adainitiative this year! We were honored #c4l14
* [ @chrpr] A huge thanks to all of #c4l14! For me, years of this conf was about being a better coder. Of late, it's been about being a better human.
* [ @chrpr] Essay on UX, content strategy & empathy builds nicely on themes in @brainwane's #c4l14 talk: … Lots of links to follow.
* [ @Sarah_Shealy] Loving the focus on Usability this year. #c4l14
* [ @phette23] "If we afforded greater status to writing we would get better documentation" @vaurora echoes Tuesday's keynote re devaluing design/UX #c4l14
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