
2015 Conference Committees

2,170 bytes added, 19:31, 14 September 2015
Protected "2015 Conference Committees": Protecting so signups for 2016 don't get added here by mistake ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite))
We will assign a local contact to each committee.
== Location and Dates ==
(more details at [])
* Location: Hilton Portland and Executive Tower, Portland, Oregon
* Dates:
** Pre-conferences - February 9th, 2015
** Main meeting - February 10th - 12th, 2015
** Post conference activities?
== Book Give-Away Committee ==
Need about 2 months to get books shipped to the conference location.
* [[User:JasonMichel|Jason Paul Michel]]* [[User:TerrellT|Trey Terrell]] - Local Contact
== Keynote Speakers Committee ==
This committee plans who to invite for the keynote speakers. They gather possibilities (including soliciting from the community), organize voting, and work with the speakers to arrange their travel.
* [[User:Phette23|Eric Phetteplace]]
* Heidi Dowding
== Onsite Volunteer Committee ==
This committee solicits volunteers to do whatever tasks are needed in person at the conference. Could be a help to the program committee to solicit MCs, timers, mike runners (if needed), IRC volunteers, registration helpers (if needed), etc.
* Whitni Watkins* Dre* [[User:evviva|Evviva Weinraub Lajoie]] - Local Contact* Bojana Skarich - Local Contact* Bobbi Fox* Christina Salazar
== Pre-conference Committee ==
This committee plans the pre-conference day. It keeps strong lines of communications open with the Program Committee. It also helps shepherd events on the day itself.
* [[User:ChristinaHarlow|Christina]]* [[User:LauraKrier|Laura Krier]]* [[User:aaroncollie|Aaron Collie]]* [[ericleasemorgan|Eric Lease Morgan]]* [[User:AndyWeidner|Andy Weidner]]* [[User:wickr|Ryan Wick]] - Local Contact
== Program Committee ==
* Tod Olson
* [[User:Cynthia|Arty]]
* [[User:Ssimpkin|Sarah Simpkin]]
* Ranti Junus
* [[User:DataGazetteer|Peter Murray]] - v
== Scholarships Committee ==
This committee works with funding institutions to arrange the scholarships offered. They solicit submissions and select winners of the scholarship(s). They also work with the winners to plan their travel and arrangements.
* Sarah Shealy Ruth Kitchin Tillman* Francis Kayiwa* Bohyun Kim* Mairelys Lemus- vRojas* [[User:zhanghu|Hui Zhang]] - Local Contact
== Social Activities Committee ==
The committee plans, proposes, and organizes the evening activities.
* Becky Yoose - v(committee member 4 life)* Whitni Watkins* [[User:eatonml|Mike Eaton]] - Local Contact
== Sponsorships Childcare Committee ==
This committee organizes Committee to evaluate needs and explore possibilities for on-site child care at the sponsorship activitiesconference. Usually it includes people within the Code4Lib community who think their institution or company might Will implement whatever is determined to be interested in sponsoring the conferencepossible this year and develop guidelines for future conferences.  * Sara Amato (lead)* Christina Salazar* These folks may not be the decision makers at the sponsors, but they are Code4Lib's contacts.[[User:zhanghu|Hui Zhang]] - Local Contact == Sponsorships Committee ==
This committee organizes the sponsorship activities. Usually it includes people within the Code4Lib community who think their institution or company might be interested in sponsoring the conference. These folks may not be the decision makers at the sponsors, but they are Code4Lib's contacts. See the [ Prospectus] for potential sponsors.
* Roy Tennant, OCLC,
* [[User:evviva|Evviva Weinraub Lajoie]] - Local Contact
* [[User:Terrellt|Trey Terrell]] - Local Contact
== Streaming Video Committee ==
*[[User:highermath|Cary Gordon]] has equipment , experience and domain knowledge to share.*[[User:RileyChilds|Riley Childs]] has Knowledge and the YouTube Account credentialscan help, but will not be attending conf*[[User:wickr|Ryan Wick]] - Local Contact
== T-Shirt Committee ==
This committee organizes the t-shirt contest, collecting submissions, and putting out the call for votes. This committee is also responsible for helping the local planning committee identify a vendor that will fit within the budget constraints for the conference. User sizes and preferences will be obtained as part of the registration process.
*[[User:Eatonm|Mike Eaton]] - Local Contact
== Voting Activities Committee ==
This committee organizes the voting process and works with the other committees that involve voting (keynote, program, T-shirt) to ensure a relatively smooth process.
*[[User:Wickr|Ryan Wick]] - Local Contact
*[[User:Wickr|Sheila Yeh]]
== Whatever Committee ==
This committee does whatever the organizers can't talk anyone else into doing.
* Francis Kayiwa
* Becky Yoose (will do things for mortgage payment assistance)
* [[User:ChristinaHarlow|Christina]]
* [[User:Ssimpkin|Sarah Simpkin]]
* Ranti Junus
* Sarah Park
* [[User:KimPham|Kim Pham]]
* Bojana Skarich - Local Contact
* Ryan Wick - Local Contact
== Wifi / Electrical / IRC ==
* [[User:highermath|Cary Gordon]],
* [[User:RileyChilds|Riley Childs]] is able to assist with Wireless planning and IRC stuffs,
* [[User:Wickr|Ryan Wick]] - Local Contact
= Documentation =
Promote ongoing documentation efforts.
[[Category: Code4Lib2015]]