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FCIG Report

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Code4Lib Fiscal Continuity Interest Group Report
23 January 2017, updated on 19 September 2017
== A. Executive Summary ==
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Code4Lib Fiscal Continuity Interest Group (FCIG) to the Code4Lib community, to assist the community in collectively deciding how we may best achieve ongoing, sustainable fiscal responsibility for the Code4Lib annual meeting/conference.
The challenge addressed in this report is that the current process of recruiting each year an external "fiscal host" to bear the burden of financial responsibility for the Code4Lib Conference imposes a very high cost in terms of work, time, and financial risk for those who make the conference possible for the community: the local planning committees and the host institutions. Many community members have expressed significant concern about whether this cost poses constitutes an unacceptable threat to burden, by hindering the long-term sustainability of the conference, and undermines undermining the health overall soundness of the Code4Lib community.
From June-Dec 2016, the Fiscal Continuity Interest Group of Code4Lib explored a wide range of options for alternative approaches/ways to make running the annual meeting/conference more fiscally sustainable, and compared these options to current practice. In this report we present an overview of our investigation, summarizing current practice as well as the strongest options for alternative approaches that we identified. To inform the community’s evaluation of these the choicespresented here, we first outline the requirements for maintaining the status quo or implementing a new approach, and then the requirements for implementation for each alternative approach. Based on these requirements and/or possible terms for each option, we then analyze of the pros and cons for each optionscenario.
Broadly categorized, the three options discussed in this report are:
* Option 1: maintain the existing practice of local conference planning committees seeking a new "fiscal host" each year
====== Structure of the Report ======
Section B, "Introduction" provides background to the report, by describing the problem of fiscal hosts for the Code4Lib conference, and the formation, objectives, and working process of the FCIG.
Section C, "Findings" outlines as objectively as possible in objective terms the requirements for implementation of each of three options, providing descriptions of:
# current practice ("fiscal hosting" for the annual Code4Lib meeting),
Section D, "Analysis", presents summaries of the strongest arguments for and against each of these options.
Section E concludes the report with our recommendation to the community for a process and timetable to collectively discuss this issue online and in person during January-March 2017, to evaluate the options we have presented, in addition to any other serious proposals that community members may make. Following e recommend that discussion, we recommend following that discussion, the community hold a vote in order to select one of those options and identify volunteers to implement it.
== B. Introduction ==
====== Statement of Problem: Need for Financial Responsibility for Code4Lib Conference ======
Code4Lib is has no legal status as an organization incorporated or registered with a government entity, but is instead a volunteer-driven collective. Since Code4Lib is not an official organization, it is not possible for Code4Lib to assume legal responsibility for its own expenses incurred to hold the community’s annual meeting, which began in 2006. Over the eleven years since the first Code4Lib meeting, what has become "[ the annual Code4Lib Conference]" has been hosted by a succession of libraries, each of which has signed contracts to secure venues, hotel accommodations, and services. This means that as a consequence of hosting the event, each host institution has also played the role of “fiscal host”, and has assumed liability for those contracts.
During this time, the annual meeting as an event has grown steadily in size and complexity, into a significant financial undertaking for these fiscal hosts. In the most recent years, the conference has regularly attracted over 400 attendees and has had a budget in the low six figures. This growth of budgets has a direct effect on the amount of risk that the fiscal host takes on in assuming financial responsibility for contracts: in the event of an unexpected cancellation of the event, it is common for hotel and venue contracts to have significant cancellation penalties.
ConsequentlyOne consequence of this increased risk as the conference has grown is that the potential pool of hosts has shrunk, because there are fewer libraries and related institutions who are in a position to take on the financial risk involved in providing a fiscal host for the Code4Lib Conference. Such Additionally, such risk should not be minimized as an issue: , in terms of potential consequences for individuals involved in conference planning, or long-term outcomes for the community. In the worst case, the financial failure of a meeting could result in broad unwillingness to host future meetings , and professional and personal consequences for any community members employed by the host institution. There has also been at least one recent case where in which a local planning committee had plenty of volunteers capable of planning and running the meeting but was unable to find a host institution willing to assume the financial liability.
This unwieldy situation has prompted engaged discussion among community members about how our community’s this approach to organizing and funding the annual meeting, as well as the increasing expense associated with the conference as it grows, reflects our purpose and values as a community. The concerns expressed speak to different aspects of the ideals and goals that are fundamental to Code4Lib.
The purpose of this report is to provide concrete options for our community to consider as we assess the practical realities and trade-offs between the advantages of taking on increased financial responsibility and "overhead", and the imperative to maintain the core purpose and values of Code4Lib as an independent, open, and responsive community.
The FCIG shared communications via a Google group list, and met via videochat 1-2 times per month from July 1, 2016 - Dec. 23, 2016. [ Meeting notes] are shared at the FCIG wiki page within the main Code4Lib wiki.
In initial discussions, the group brainstormed many potential options to explore as ways for Code4Lib to move forward in establishing, or determining not to establish, an ongoing fiscal entity; the FCIG wiki page contains an [ extensive list] of these possibilities. Group consensus determined which of these preliminary possibilities to gather more information about. Individuals volunteered to do the work of investigating each option. In order to provide a consistent and comprehensive template for discussions with potential fiscal sponsors, Coral Sheldon-Hess compiled a list of questions which was reviewed and agreed upon by the group. This list is included in the Appendix A section of this report.
== C. Findings ==
This section outlines the practical requirements for implementation or continuation, for each of the three options:
# maintaining the status quo of fiscal hosting
====== Description of Current Practice ======
At present, Code4Lib has no legal status and is not an official organization. In one sense, "Code4Lib" does not exist; there is no governance structure nor even any guidelines for membership. The Code4Lib Conference does have a Code of Conduct that applies to individuals who pay a registration fee to attend this event, but otherwise there are no rules for what Code4Lib is or what its members do. In another sense, Code4Lib is one of the most important professional group;s and sources of progress within the cultural heritage sector. Code4Lib is certainly an active and significant professional group: in addition to the annual conference, there are a number of regional meetings each year, the publication of the Code4Lib journal, and the maintenance of a variety of communications forums.
The fundraising process employed for the annual Code4Lib meeting reflects the community’s DIY traditions. Recent total budgets for the annual Code4Lib conference have exceeded $250,000, with roughly half of the cost covered by sponsor donations and half by registration fees. These contributions are secured through the work of a Code4Lib Sponsorship Committee, which self-nominates, forming each year as a group of volunteers who spontaneously reply to a call on the Code4Lib listserv. The Sponsorship Committee follows the successful precedents established by the actions of previous years/committees, but has no official guidelines or instructions. However, the LPC will typically pay close attention to the actions of the Sponsorship Committee, as it is ultimately the responsibility of the institution that is hosting Code4Lib to cover any shortfalls. Members of the Sponsorship Committee sign up to take individual responsibility for contacting potential donors, who are chosen from lists of previous years’ donors, as well as brainstormed by the Sponsorship Committee each year based on the committee members’ own contacts, or the geographic location of the conference that year. Perhaps the only limitation on donors is that they must be institutions that do not have requirements for donating only to 501(c)(3) status organizations, because Code4Lib does not have this status.
Since Code4Lib is not an official organization, and therefore does not have any legal capacity to hold funds or to assume responsibility for contracts, it has been necessary each year to secure an agreement from another legal entity willing to take fiscal responsibility for conference expenses (the "fiscal host"). The fiscal host has often been the library or organization that is supplying space for the conference, but that need not be the case. Every year the work of finding and recruiting the fiscal host has been done by local planning committees, who have usually turned to institutions in their own geographic area willing to perform this service. In addition to signing contracts and bearing the financial liability of the contract, the fiscal host has typically done the conference bookkeeping as well.
In addition to signing contracts Code4Lib has so far been fortunate in the successful hosting of conferences, and bearing has benefited from the financial liability goodwill of the contractcommunity by receiving support from institutions willing to voluntarily provide fiscal hosting. However, these fortuitous circumstances are by no means a given in events planning, and the willingness thus far of institutions to act as fiscal host has typically done hosts does not mean that the bookkeepingrisk an institution takes on should be discounted.
Code4Lib has so far been fortunate Additionally, the need to secure a new fiscal host each year can add substantial complexity to the planning process, in the successful hosting event of conferencesany irregularities in determining a host site. Preparations for the 2017 conference provide an example of the kind of complications that can ensue, and has benefited from the goodwill kind of liability that the community by receiving support from institutions willing to voluntarily provide fiscal hostinghost takes on. The local planning committee for the 2017 conference includes members from southern California and the southeast U.S. from the original Chattanooga 2017 group. However, this streak the fiscal host for the 2017 conference is UCLA, who is the entity that has signed contracts with an event planner, with the venue, with several hotels, and with providers of good luck other services. As such, UCLA is by no means a givenultimately responsible for paying on those contracts, and the willingness thus far some of institutions to act as fiscal hosts does those liabilities would not mean that disappear even if the risk an institution takes on should 2017 conference were abruptly cancelled. For example, in order to secure sufficient hotel rooms for attendees, UCLA has guaranteed that a certain number of hotel-nights will be discountedpurchased by conference attendees; if a threshold is not met, UCLA would be obligated to pay the difference.
Additionally, the need to secure a new fiscal host each year can add substantial complexity to the planning process, in the event of any irregularities in determining a host site. Preparations for the 2017 conference provide an example of the kind of complications that can ensue, and the kind of liability that the fiscal host takes on. The local planning committee for the 2017 conference includes members from southern California and the southeast U.S. from the original Chattanooga 2017 group. However, the fiscal host for the 2017 conference is UCLA, who is the entity that has signed contracts with an event planner, with the venue, with several hotels, and with providers lack of other services. As such, UCLA is ultimately responsible for paying on those contracts, and some of those liabilities would not disappear even if the 2017 conference were abruptly cancelled. For example, in order to secure sufficient hotel rooms for attendees, UCLA has guaranteed independent financial agency means that certain number of hotel-nights will be purchased by conference attendees; if a threshold is not met, UCLA would be obligated to pay the difference. Code4Lib has no bank account, and in principle each year's LPC has to prepare to start from scratch, which can make it a challenge to pay deposits to secure venue space. Fortunately, each conference gets some seed money from the previous year's LPC; for example, UCLA received over $30,000 from the surplus achieved by the 2016 conference. Additional funding comes from registration fees and sponsorships.
=== Option 2: Obtain Ongoing Fiscal Sponsorship from an External Organization ===
In essence, fiscal sponsorship would secure for Code4Lib a similar relationship to the annual fiscal hosts, except for an ongoing duration, and in exchange for a fee paid by Code4Lib to the sponsor organization.
[ Fiscal sponsorship] is a formal arrangement between a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a project, organization, group, or program that may lack tax-exempt status. Common functions provided by fiscal sponsors include assisting with fundraising, receiving charitable contributions on behalf of the sponsored project, and performing financial/administrative tasks such as handling contracts and disbursing funds. The website of the[ National Council of Nonprofits] provides a comprehensive overview of considerations for these arrangements, and links to many excellent resources for more information on fiscal sponsorship. A specific example of a fiscal sponsorship agreement is the one [ between the Software Freedom Conservancy and the Evergreen Project].
For the purposes of this report, fiscal sponsorship would be a formal arrangement between the Code4Lib community, as defined for our purposes on the Code4Lib website [ about page], and a sponsor organization, to provide the following minimum services:
# Nercomp
# Fiscal Sponsor Directory* [ Sponsor Directory]# Educopia
Of this list, Fractured Atlas and Nercomp were determined not to be possible to pursue further. LITA/ALA and CLIR/DLF each offered possible terms for fiscal sponsorship arrangements with Code4Lib. The LITA/ALA and CLIR/DLF sections below outline these terms, and reflect these organizations’ responses to the list of "Questions posed to potential Fiscal Sponsors", in Appendix A of this report.
In addition to the individual organizations in #1-4, the FCIG also conducted a basic search within the online Fiscal Sponsor Directory , to get a sense of what arrangements other possible fiscal sponsors in this list would might offer. The directory search provided a list of approximately ten organizations whose mission and sponsorship focus seems appear compatible with Code4Lib; these organizations could be examined more closely if Code4Lib wants to pursue a contract for fiscal sponsorship but elects not to choose one of the possibilities presented in this report. This list is at the FCIG wiki page. Finally, very late in the process, the FCIG also inquired with Educopia. We did not have time to complete this discussion, but this organization may be another possibility to consider, as a fiscal sponsor. The FCIG will provide an addenda to this report if we are able to gather more information about this possibility.
====== Summary of Findings from Each Organization ======
# 1. Fractured Atlas
[ Fractured Atlas] (FA) focuses on arts and cultural sector endeavors, and offers fee-based fiscal sponsorship which provides the benefits of 501(c)(3) status to entities that do not have this tax status. Since the range of projects and organizations that FA sponsors encompasses a wide range of cultural-sector activities, the FCIG contacted FA to find out if Code4Lib could be considered for sponsorship, and/or to get recommendations for other options Code4Lib could consider. We contacted Fractured Atlas by phone August 11, 2016. The staff person we spoke to advised us that Code4Lib as an organization would not fall within the scope of Fractured Atlas’ work, and recommended against applying for sponsorship from FA. She recommended that Code4Lib look for a fiscal sponsor within the Fiscal Sponsor Directory. (
===== Proposed Terms for Fiscal Sponsorship , LITA/ALA =====
The Library Information Technology Association (LITA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is willing to serve as a fiscal agent for the Code4Lib conference on either a short-term or long-term basis. There are two models under which this could happen:
If Code4Lib chooses to partner with LITA/ALA, it would be best to do so for at least 2-3 years, to determine whether or not it is a good fit (and to make all of the paperwork worth doing). At that point Code4Lib would be free to continue with LITA/ALA, to find another fiscal sponsor, or to seek its own nonprofit status.
# 3. Nercomp
The FCIG also reached out to NERCOMP (the NorthEast Regional Computing Program), but after discussion, concluded Code4Lib and NERCOMP were not a good fit.
===== Proposed Terms for Fiscal Sponsorship , CLIR/DLF =====
The Council on Library and Information Resources, the parent organization of the Digital Library Federation, has also offered possible terms for providing ongoing fiscal sponsorship for Code4Lib. The terms outlined below were discussed via email and phone conversations with Bethany Nowviskie, Director, DLF, and Sharon Ivy Weiss, Chief Operating Officer, CLIR, between October-December 2016. In these conversations, the FCIG provided via email an adaptation of the list of questions Coral prepared for potential sponsors (as discussed with LITA/ALA, outlined above). Quotations below are taken from emails written by Bethany Nowviskie in response to these questions, and are used with her permission.
=== Table: Summary of Options ===
<This table> <tr> <td>Option</td> <td>Cost required to implement</td> <td>Other costs/ recurring costs?</td> <td>Any required changes to Code4Lib conference- planning process?</td> <td>Any required changes to Code4Lib organizational structure?</td> <td>Does this provide ongoing gives only a broad comparison of the options. For fuller details on the points summarized below, please see the individual sections for each of the potential fiscal host for Code4Lib conference?</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fiscal sponsorshipsponsors: LITA/ALA</td> <td>26.4% of gross revenue</td> <td></td> <td>Coordination with LITA/ALA</td> <td>Primary conference organizers would need to hold LITA membership; would need process to identify primary contact to LITA/ALA</td> <td>yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fiscal sponsorship: CLIR/DLF</td> <td>$5,000 / year</td> <td>$5,000 / year to Code4Lib nest egg account</td> <td>CLIR/DLF would not require changes; Code4Lib would need to continue hiring conference mgmt services. CLIR/DLF recommends event insurance.</td> <td>Would need process to identify primary contact to CLIR/DLF</td> <td>yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Code4Lib forms NPO</td> <td>$2,000 to $8OLF,000 to form</td> <td>$1and DuraSpace,000 to $2and the sections presenting the requirements involved in forming a non-profit organization option,000 in filing fees</td> <td>Potential need to secure legal services to review contracts.</td> <td>Election of the board (or setting up board to include all Code4Lib members) and election of officers</td> <td>yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Maintain as well as maintaining status quo</td> <td>0</td> <td>Ongoing liability burdens on host institutions</td> <td>no</td> <td>no</td> <td>no</td> </tr></table>.
!Cost required to implement
!Other costs/ recurring costs?
!Any required changes to Code4Lib conference- planning process?
!Any required changes to Code4Lib organizational structure?
!Does this provide ongoing fiscal host for Code4Lib conference?
|Fiscal sponsorship: LITA/ALA
|26.4% of gross revenue
|Coordination with LITA/ALA
|Primary conference organizers would need to hold LITA membership; would need process to identify primary contact to LITA/ALA
|Fiscal sponsorship: CLIR/DLF
|$5,000 / year
|$5,000 / year to Code4Lib nest egg account
|CLIR/DLF would not require changes; Code4Lib would need to continue hiring conference mgmt services. CLIR/DLF recommends event insurance.
|No change to current C4L culture would be necessary. CLIR/DLF is fine with C4L’s current practice of local organizing committees and rotating leadership for the conference and other activities. CLIR/DLF requests only that C4L would identify current points of contact for each activity such as conference, listserv, website, etc.
|Fiscal sponsorship: Open Library Federation
|To be determined, in coordination with OLF
|Needs to be determined: whether OLF or C4L would cover event insurance cost annually
|OLF did not specify any required changes to the conference planning process
|OLF requires member communities to have explicit governance that is documented in a charter or similar instrument
|Fiscal sponsorship: DuraSpace
|$7,000 / year
|DuraSpace recommends C4L create &amp; maintain a reserve account of $75Kto cover at minimum half of the cost of potential conference failure, and to purchase event insurance for annual conference
|DuraSpace would not require changes, but strongly recommends C4L obtain event insurance for annual conference
|DuraSpace requests C4L identify leadership with authorization: to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and to spend C4L funds; also expects C4L to report expenses and revenues annually
|yes, with qualification regarding shared coverage of potential conference failure
|Code4Lib forms NPO
|$2,000 to $8,000 to form
|$1,000 to $2,000 in filing fees
|Potential need to secure legal services to review contracts.
|Election of the board (or setting up board to include all Code4Lib members) and election of officers
|Maintain status quo
|Ongoing liability burdens on host institutions
=== Option 1: Maintain the status quo ===
=== Option 2: obtain ongoing fiscal sponsorship from an external organization ===
In this Report, the terms specified for each of the organizations identified as possible fiscal sponsors provide an outline of the requirements and benefits of ongoing fiscal sponsorship with a host organization. This analysis is meant to inform a Code4Lib community vote among the three broad options presented in this Report (1: maintain status quo, 2: obtain ongoing fiscal sponsorship, or 3: form an independent non-profit organization), as well as to provide a basis for comparison between the possible terms offered by each of the organizations within Option 2.
====== Pros: Possible Benefits of an Ongoing, Long-term fiscal sponsor for Code4Lib ======
==== January and February 2017 ====
* '''Online Community Discussion.''' Discuss this report and the various options it explores via the Code4Lib mailing list, Slack, and IRC. Representatives from LITA and the DLF will be available to answer questions and participate in the discussion.* '''Contribute Questions to the Wiki.''' To ensure a thorough and inclusive evaluation process, the FCIG suggests that anyone with questions or concerns about any or all of the options discussed post these to a page created for this purpose within the FCIG section of the Code4Lib wiki.
==== March 2017 (During the 2017 Code4Lib conference) ====
* '''Online and in-person Discussion. '''Continue the discussions in person and via streaming. The FCIG has made arrangements to hold breakout sessions as well as a Birds of a Feather meeting on Thursday, March 9, and is working with the 2017 LPC to ensure that the Birds of a Feather meeting is live-streamed.
==== Shortly after the conference ====
* '''Community Vote.''' Hold a community vote via the Diebold-o-tron to decide among the following options:
** Maintain the status quo
** Enter into negotiations with LITA or CLIR.
** Do something else as per any serious proposals made during the discussions in January, February, and March 2017
==== Implementation/Moving Forward ====
* '''Implementation'''. If the outcome of the Diebold-o-tron community vote indicates a consensus to do something other than maintain the status quo, implementing the community's choice would require action on the part of one or more people. Consequently, the FCIG recommends that prior to the vote that people put themselves forward as volunteers for an implementation group for one or more of the options.
= Appendix A — Questions posed to potential fiscal sponsors =
<li><p>Are there any significant incompatibilities between your mission and Code4Lib’s?</p></li>
<li><p>Are you able to readily collect funds in a variety of ways, such as check, bank transfer, PayPal, direct credit card payments, and so forth?</p></li></ol>
= Appendix B — Educopia =
This section is an addenda to the Report of the FCIG, which was first shared with Code4Lib on January 23, 2017. After the FCIG shared its Report with Code4Lib in late January, we were subsequently able to follow up on our initial inquiry to Educopia, and have prepared this summary of our findings about that option.
The Code4Lib FCIG first reached out to Educopia on January 11, 2017 to inquire if there might be a possibility for a fiscal sponsorship or similar arrangement. We were subsequently able to arrange a phone call for a conversation with Katherine Skinner, Executive Director, Sam Meister, Preservation Communities Manager, and Christina Drummond, Director of Strategic Initiatives of Educopia, on January 31, 2017. In advance of the phone conversation, we sent via email our list of questions for potential sponsors, and our framing questions about duration - to ask about possibilities for short-term or longer-term options for a fiscal sponsorship arrangement.
Our phone conversation on January 31 confirmed that the aims of Educopia’s partnership program are well-matched to Code4Lib’s commitment to a decentralized, low-cost/low-overhead model for community-led action. The significant scope of services available within Educopia’s model for development partnerships, however, likely exceeds the current scope of the FCIG’s Report, which has been to investigate options for the primary purpose of securing ongoing fiscal sponsorship for Code4Lib’s annual conference. For this reason, the FCIG would recommend that if Code4Lib community members wish to initiate a conversation about pursuing further options relative to Educopia’s partnership program, a process for further investigation and discussion by the community should be undertaken to determine if consensus exists to pursue this option.
To summarize Educopia’s work and approach, this group works with communities at various stages - “nascent, growing, or revitalizing” - who are actively seeking to grow and mature organizationally. The wide range of communities Educopia engages work in a range of strategic areas, and are typically focused around a defined research area. Educopia’s incubator partnerships support organizational maturation by providing information and expertise to assist with development through a series of structured steps, addressing areas including methods for outreach, building revenue models, and considerations for governance structures to facilitate collaborative, responsive partnerships.
This model is in alignment with Code4Lib’s cultural values and objectives, but deciding to move in this direction would constitute a significant step relative to Code4Lib’s history and identity thus far as a loosely-affiliated community that embraces its role as an open forum for its members’ diverse and ever-expanding research interests, rather than focusing around a particular defined area of research. For this reason, the FCIG has determined that this option would require further investigation and significant community evaluation, which exceeds the scope of this Report.
A couple additional points emerged from the conversation with Educopia, which may be useful to include in the broader community discussion as it unfolds. Throughout our communications, Educopia expressed strong support for Code4Lib’s exploration of options for developing our community, and their initiatives in this area suggest several areas of expertise that could be very useful for Code4Lib’s community to keep in mind going forward, which we have outlined below.
First, Educopia’s explicit [ mission], “to build networks and collaborative communities to help cultural, scientific, and scholarly institutions achieve greater impact” is clearly closely aligned with many areas within Code4Lib’s objectives. In practical terms, this suggests that if Code4Lib decides to pursue some form of organizational structure in the future, Educopia’s expertise, particularly in helping communities to grow and articulate their strengths and purpose from the earliest stages, and to come up with mechanisms to move forward in making connections” across institutions and sectors” for the purpose of knowledge sharing, could greatly assist Code4Lib’s efforts. A specific example discussed in our phone call on January 31 is that Educopia could be a source for recommendations about facilitator/consulting services, to assist with providing neutrality for community development discussions if this avenue is pursued. Another potential area of overlap between Educopia’s work and Code4Lib’s activities would be if the Code4Lib Journal were to become a further developed initiative in the future. Educopia mentioned their interest in the Journal as a vigorous example of sustained, community-driven and practical research by and for information professionals, and their experience in supporting interdisciplinary research efforts in this field could be relevant in supporting this endeavor as well.
= Appendix C — Open Library Foundation =
Appendix C — Proposal by the Open Library Foundation to act as fiscal sponsor
The [ Open Library Foundation] (OLF) acts as a host for FOLIO, the Open Library Environment (OLE), and the Global Knowledgebase (GOKb). It views its mission as
<blockquote>To assist and facilitate educational organizations, foundations, partnerships and commercial entities in collaborating to foster, develop and sustain open technologies and innovation to support libraries, learning, research and teaching.
OLF has expressed interest in acting as a fiscal sponsor to Code4Lib. In July of 2017, the FCIG posed its questions to Michael Winkler, the Managing Director of OLF. His responses on behalf of OLF follow:
== What does your fee structure look like, for fiscal sponsorship of a group? ==
The OLF is meeting with our initial community this summer to pin down the business model, and the fee structures, for member communities. Currently, OLE and EBSCO have agreed to fund the operations of the Foundation through June of 2018. This will allow our communities to meet and determine the financial structure of the OLF. New member communities would be welcome to those discussions. After half a year of full operations, it is clear to me as Treasurer, that the needs of the OLF financial obligations are reasonably lightweight.
== What would you need from Code4Lib, in terms of organization? What kind of governance, if any, would your organization need Code4Lib to have? ==
In general, the OLF does not proscribe a governance model to member communities. We do require that a community have explicit governance, and that it be documented in a charter, or similar instrument, for the community. The Foundation is interested in communities that are committed to open, wide and diverse participation, focused around the library domain, and work to increase the value and options for libraries, particularly in technology and shared solutions.
== Is a single point of contact sufficient? (For example, the chair of the conference committee?) ==
A single point of contact is sufficient.
== Would it be acceptable for that point of contact to change annually? ==
This is acceptable if it is a well-regulated and understood process.
== Does that point of contact need to be a formal member of your organization? ==
The Foundation model for membership, at this point, is that the community join the Foundation, not individuals. So, should we move forward, the Code4Lib Community would be a member community of the Foundation, would provide a governing charter that aligns with the goals of the Foundation, and that the Community participate in the activities of the Foundation.
== What kind of control does your organization want/need to have, if any, over Code4Lib’s processes? ==
We are interested in providing the structures and infrastructures to communities that support, further, and enhance the goals of the Foundation. We believe that member communities best understand the needs of their communities and how they should operate and resource their activities. The Foundation has interests in broadening participation in member communities. We anticipate that there are opportunities for cross-fertilization between our member communities where interests and capacity coincide. The Foundation may wish to participate in community governance to ensure coordination and communication among member communities, and to identify and leverage collaborative opportunities. The Foundation has obligations to provide shared collaborative infrastructure to our member communities, and expect that our member communities share and cooperate in the provision, management, and use of these resources. Beyond this, the Foundation does not seek to control the processes of our member organizations.
== Would your organization need Code4Lib to follow your organization’s bylaws, or to have our own? ==
We expect member communities to provide a governance structure that makes sense to its participants, that supports its goals, and is aligned with the Foundation goals for openness, innovation, responsibility, and effectiveness. This governance could take the form of bylaws, charter, or other governing document. The Foundation's interest is that the governance of a member community be clear and responsible for community activities so that we can understand how scope, obligations, and responsibility are managed by the community.
== Would Code4Lib need to adopt your organization’s code of conduct for its conferences, or may we continue to use our own? ==
The Foundation has a code of conduct, though it is based on the Code4Lib code. Again, as a member organization, we'd expect that the Code4Lib community would work within the Foundation to bring forward ideas embodied in your code to enrich the code of our other member communities. We believe that our member communities can learn from each other, and enhance our collective experience. The Foundation would not require Code4Lib to adopt the OLF Code. Nor would we expect that the Code4Lib community would withhold positive contributions to the collective OLF Community.
== Would we have the option available to have conference in Canada, if a group there volunteered, or would that pose problems for your organization? Can you readily receive and disburse funds in Canadian dollars? ==
We are a global organization and have already held events in the US, Denmark, Australia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Chile. The Foundation can receive and disburse funds in foreign currencies.
== Some of our attendees are international; will this pose any problems? ==
== Do you have enough staff available to deal with bookkeeping, particularly during the registration rush and the post-conference invoice-paying period? ==
I would need to know more about the demands that you expect. The Foundation is staffed through volunteer contributions of effort. We have contracted services with accounting and banking operations, but I would need to understand the scale and responsiveness expected. It is likely that the Foundation might accommodate temporary increased demand for a service with additional contracted effort.
== In the worst case, do you have sufficient assets or insurance to absorb the complete failure of a Code4Lib conference? ==
The Foundation currently has no needs for this sort of reserve or insurance. As a functioning corporation, the Foundation can obtain insurance, as necessary, to cover risks on behalf of the community.
== Do you currently act as a fiscal sponsor for a group that did not originate from within your own organization? May we contact them? ==
The Foundation was chartered in March of 2016, approved bylaws and sat a Board in October 2016, and began operations in January 2017. In that sense, all of our communities - FOLIO, GOKb, and OLE - originated outside the Foundation. I can provide you with contacts for those communities. We are closing negotiations with another long-standing and unaffiliated community, but I am unable to provide a contact at this time.
== Have you acted in the past as a fiscal sponsor for a group or project that subsequently decided to leave your organization? If so, why did they leave? ==
We have not.
== How would you manage giving Code4Lib conference organizers timely access to financial records for monies held by your organization on Code4Lib's behalf? ==
We provide monthly accounting to our member communities of the Foundation accounts and accounts held for the community. As Treasurer, I am available to all member communities to discuss, analyze, and act on financial issues.
== Are there any significant incompatibilities between your mission and Code4Lib’s? ==
I do not believe that there are significant incompatibilities between the OLF and Code4Lib. The Foundation stands to support, foster, and encourage open and collaborative engagement among library community organizations and actors to provide a forum for conversation and collective action. The Foundation, as a public charity, is obliged to serve educational interests of our member communities. We value diversity, open engagement and participation, and shared responsibility and risk. I believe that these are consistent with Code4Lib community ethics.
== Are you able to readily collect funds in a variety of ways, such as check, bank transfer, PayPal, direct credit card payments, and so forth? ==
= Appendix D — DuraSpace =
Appendix D — Proposal by DuraSpace to act as fiscal sponsor
[ DuraSpace] describes itself as follows:
<blockquote>DuraSpace is a non-profit organization providing technical leadership, sustainability planning, fundraising, community development, marketing and communications, collaborations and strategic partnerships and administration to the DSpace, Fedora and VIVO projects.
DuraSpace has expressed interest in acting as a fiscal sponsor to Code4Lib. In July and August of 2017, the FCIG posed its questions to representatives of DuraSpace. In early September, FCIG members held a conference call with DuraSpace to discuss their response. Their final response to the initial questions follows.
== What does your fee structure look like, for fiscal sponsorship of a group? ==
We’ve structured fiscal agreements in a variety of ways. For example, we have experience with flat fee, percentage of gross receipts, and hourly rate calculations plus transaction fee arrangements.
As mentioned by FCIG, if DuraSpace is selected as a fiscal sponsor, we would be responsible for filing taxes, handling funds, contract review, performing due diligence on those contracts and signing them. We recommend a flat annual fee of $7,000 USD. We will also recommend fiscal practices that ensure Code4Lib maintain a healthy fiscal reserve and purchase event insurance.
== What would you need from Code4Lib, in terms of organization? What kind of governance, if any, would your organization need Code4Lib to have? ==
We would like to have identified leadership within the project community that is authorized to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), if needed and have authority to spend C4L money.
== Is a single point of contact sufficient? (For example, the chair of the conference committee?) ==
If the conference committee chair is able to speak to or connect us with those responsible for the journal or other initiatives that require fiscal intervention we would consider a single point of contact. We typically work with a steering committee for sponsored or incubated projects.
== Would it be acceptable for that point of contact to change annually? ==
== (If applicable) Does that point of contact need to be a formal member of your organization? ==
== What kind of control does your organization want/need to have, if any, over Code4Lib’s processes? ==
We promote autonomy for our partners, projects, contracts, etc.
== Would your organization need Code4Lib to follow your organization’s bylaws, or to have our own? ==
C4L would be expected to report expenses and revenues adhering to GAAP practices and report revenue and expenses in the same fiscal year:
== Would Code4Lib need to adopt your organization’s code of conduct for its conferences, or may we continue to use our own? ==
DuraSpace does have a draft Code of Conduct, available here: It is based in part on the C4L code.
Affiliates can use their own Code of Conduct. For example Samvera and VIVO have their own Codes of Conducts.
== Would we have the option available to have a conference in Canada, if a group there volunteered, or would that pose problems for your organization? Can you readily receive and disburse funds in Canadian dollars? ==
We have two staff members located in Canada. We can receive and disburse funds in CDN for payroll. However, when spending outside of the USA on events we are limited to two payment methods, wire transfer and check in USD. Lifting these limitations is something we can investigate with our bank if C4L is interested in pursuing fiscal sponsorship with DuraSpace.
== Some of our attendees are international; will this pose any problems? ==
No, we aim to engage effectively with the global community. We can write sponsorship letters for attendees whose organizations require them and have a policy to return registration fees if someone is turned away at immigration.
== Do you have enough staff available to deal with bookkeeping, particularly during the registration rush and the post-conference invoice-paying period? ==
At present, no. We would need to contract more time from our accountant and allocate portions of time from a few members of our executive leadership team in the pre and post-conference periods.
== In the worst case, do you have sufficient assets or insurance to absorb the complete failure of a Code4Lib conference? ==
We have an obligation to the greater DuraSpace community to spend money, including reserves, on projects and contracts, as articulated in membership agreements, MOUs, and other formal agreements. Similarly, we will not use Code4Lib conference money for anything but related expenses as approved by the Code4Lib community.
However, we are capable of obtaining event insurance to protect against the failure of a conference against natural disasters and other insurable occurrences. We have a good network of insurers who can help us find a good option to mitigate risk. In many cases, venue costs and contracts pose the most risk. We would expect Code4Lib to build a reserve (within 5 years) to cover a minimum of half of the total accommodation costs for an event (approximately $75,000) to mitigate the risk of an uninsurable occurrence (e.g. circumstances that may lead to changing location and losing a deposit/ breaking terms).
== Do you currently act as a fiscal sponsor for a group that did not originate from within your own organization? May we contact them? ==
The Samvera project is an affiliate project. The steering committee consists of DuraSpace’s Debra Hanken Kurtz, Hull University’s Richard Green &amp; Chris Awre, Stanford University’s Tom Cramer (signing authority), University of Virginia’s Robin Ruggaber. We can make introductions for contact as you wish.
The VIVO project went from incubated project to full project recently. Mike Conlon is the contact for VIVO. We can make an introductions for contact as you wish.
PASIG is an affiliate group. Art Pasquinelli and Tom Cramer are the contacts. We can make introductions for contact as you wish.
== Have you acted in the past as a fiscal sponsor for a group or project that subsequently decided to leave your organization? If so, why did they leave? ==
Not in the recent past, no.
== How would you manage giving Code4Lib conference organizers timely access to financial records for monies held by your organization on Code4Lib's behalf? ==
There would be regular reporting based on the conference registration system as well as monthly financial reporting.
== Are there any significant incompatibilities between your mission and Code4Lib’s? ==
We feel our mission aligns well with that of Code4Lib.
DuraSpace is committed to providing leadership and innovation in the development and deployment of open technologies that promote durable, persistent access to digital data. We collaborate with academic, scientific, cultural, and technology communities in creating practical solutions to help ensure that current and future generations have access to our collective digital heritage. Our values are expressed in our organizational byline, &quot;open technologies for durable digital content.&quot;
We promote the autonomy for our partners. We will strive to support the decisions of our affiliates (both fiscal and ethical) as much as possible, within the parameters of our own organization's legal and fiscal responsibility.
== Are you able to readily collect funds in a variety of ways, such as check, bank transfer, PayPal, direct credit card payments, and so forth? ==
Yes. All of the above mentioned payment options are accepted by DuraSpace.

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