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2018 Keynote Speakers Nominations

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Nominations for invited speakers/keynotes for Code4Lib 2018 in Washington, D.C. will open on '''September 18th''' and close closed on '''October 15, 2017'''.
Voting will start on Monday, October 23, 2017 and continue through Monday, November 13, 2017.
Some pertinent history/biography/hyperlinks that elucidates why Jane would be a good keynote speaker.
== Terry Brady ==
Terry Brady is a software developer in Seattle working for the Georgetown University Library. Terry is the lead developer for DigitalGeorgetown. Terry is a committer for the DSpace repository platform. Terry has built applications for higher education, government, non-profit, and corporate institutions including LexisNexis and the National Archives and Records Administration--including the amazingly handy File-Analyzer. Strengthening communities is a passion of Terry's: he regularly participates in the DSpace Community Advisory Team meetings, and initiated the recent DSpace Users Group meeting hosted by Georgetown University in August of 2017. Terry does what all developers do, he writes code enthusiastically, and many times for no personal advantage, merely because it's work that needs doing, or is an interesting challenge. His work inspires that same approach in others; his observations on the work we all do will be equally inspiring.
[ File-Analyzer]
[ DigitalGeorgetown]
== Chris Bourg ==
Chris Bourg is the Director of Libraries at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where she also has oversight of the MIT Press. Prior to assuming her role at MIT, Chris worked for 12 years in the Stanford University Libraries, most recently as the Associate University Librarian for Public Services.
Chris is keenly interested in issues of diversity and inclusion in higher education; and in the role libraries play in advancing social justice and democracy. She is currently serving as Chair of the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion of the Association of Research Libraries and has written and spoken extensively on diversity, inclusion, and leadership.
Chris has a PhD in Sociology from Stanford University, and spent 10 years as an active duty U.S. Army officer, including 3 years on the faculty at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
[ "What happens to libraries and librarians when machines can read all the books?" - 2017 talk about the role of machine learning and AI in libraries]
[ "Libraries, technology, and social justice" - Access 2016 keynote address]
[ Blog]
[ Twitter]
==David Brunton==
David Brunton was hired is the Chief of Repository Development at the Library of Congress. In his time here, David has contributed to a number of important group efforts at LC, including: electronic Copyright Deposit, the Twitter archive, the National Digital Newspaper Program, digitization workflow, and more recently, crowdsourcing. David's first library job and his first coding job were both during his undergraduate years in the mid-nineties, and he has been doing one, the other, and both ever since. David is a fun and engaging speaker.
== Abby Covert ==
Abby Covert is currently the Information Architect for Etsy, and is a co-founder and advisor for World IA Day. She authored the book Making Sense of Any Mess which is a wonderfully written and clear explanation of IA. The book also made it clear to me how much about IA is already familiar to librarians (taxonomies, organizing, making things clear), but Abby presents it in a new light. She has given talks on making things clear, language, IA, and collaboration. I think her ideas would both challenge and reinforce librarian beliefs a about organization and presentation, and I imagine that she would be able to tailor her presentation to the librarian/ library web audience.
== Kate Deibel ==
Kate Deibel is the Inclusion & Accessibility Librarian at Syracuse University. An ardent advocate for usable and accessible technologies, her work focuses on disciplinarity, technology adoption, comics, and disability. Kate earned her PhD in computer science and engineering at the University of Washington in 2011 with a multidisciplinary study of the social and technological factors that hinder adoption of reading technologies among adults with dyslexia, and while working as a web applications specialist at the University of Washington Libraries she focused on ensuring that technologies are effective tools for both library patrons and staff. By challenging the assumptions that we make about accessibility and our patrons' experiences with library technology, Kate's work pushes us to be more empathetic, realistic, and creative when we design library systems.
[ The Most Accessible Catalog Results Page Ever]
[ Shall We Become Two-headed Monsters? Cross-disciplinary and multiliteracy perspectives for Mashcat’s goals]
==Carla Hayden==
==Jessica Marie Johnson==
[ Shane Lin]
[ Privacy Post]
== Rosalyn Metz ==
Rosalyn is the Director of Library Technology and Digital Strategies at Emory University. In this role, she sets the strategic agenda for technology across the Emory Libraries and serves as a leader in the greater Atlanta (Georgia) area on regional technology collaborations. She’s had a wide range of experience both in libraries and out, with a career ranging from being a systems administrator to being a project manager to serving as a library administrator. She has been active in the Code4Lib community, serves on Fedora Steering, is active in the Samvera community, serves on the DPN program directions committee, and has been heavily involved in the Women in Library Technology community.
Rosalyn is passionate about process development, community development, and human development. She believes strongly that by focusing on these three areas the profession can be moved forward in a thoughtful and innovative way.
Outside of work, Rosalyn is a yogi, breadwinning mom, animal whisperer, and a flying trapeze artist.
[ Twitter]
[ LinkedIn]
==Elrick Ryan==
[ @elrickvm]
== Bess Sadler ==
[ Twitter]
== Mega Subramaniam ==
Mega Subramaniam is an Associate Professor at the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. Dr. Subramaniam is the fellow for the Libraries Ready to Code (RtC) project led by the Office for Information Technology Policy at the American Library Association (ALA OITP), which is funded by Google, Inc. Dr. Subramaniam has been instrumental in assisting ALA OITP in planning and implementing the activities for all the three RtC phases, hence has great insights on how librarians can be Ready to Code. The RtC project ultimate goals are to develop a mindset for library services for and with youth that puts youth interests at the center of the learning, to provide opportunities for youth to engage in planning & implementation of computational and coding programs in libraries, to focus on facilitation, and to provide opportunities for community members to coach and mentor youth in computational thinking. Dr. Subramaniam’s work focuses on enhancing the role of libraries in fostering the mastery of new media literacies that are essential for STEM learning among underserved young people. She is the lead PI for the IMLS-funded Graduate Certificate of Professional Studies in Youth Experience (YX) and developed a new YX specialization within MLIS, that allows in-service and pre-service librarians to develop skills to facilitate programs and services that foster computational thinking and other emerging literacies in youth from birth to 18. Dr. Subramaniam holds a bachelor’s degree in Education (Mathematics and Computers in Education) from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, received her master’s degree in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University, Bloomington, and her Ph.D in Information Studies from Florida State University.
[ Website]
[ Libraries Ready to Code]
[ Twitter]
== Dr. Timothy C. Summers ==
[ Protect your privacy during turbulent times: A hacker’s guide to being cyber-safe]
[ No Such Thing as Privacy in the Modern Campaign]
== Gregg Vanderheiden ==
Gregg Vanderheiden is a Professor in the iSchool and Director of Trace R&D Center at the University of Maryland – College Park. He directs the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Universal Interface and Information Technology Access (NIDILRR/ACL) and co-directs Raising the Floor, an international consortium of companies and organizations building the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII). Has worked in technology and disability for over 45 years; was a pioneer in Augmentative Communication (a term taken from his writings in 1979), and in cross-disability access to ICT of all types. His work is found in computers, phones, Automated Postal Stations, Amtrak ticket machines, and airport terminals. Most of the initial access features in both Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac operating systems came from his Center. He co-chaired both WCAG 1.0 and 2.0 working groups, and has worked with over 50 companies and numerous government advisory & planning committees including FCC, NSF, NIH, GSA, NCD, Access Board and White House. He has received over 30 awards for his work on technology and disability. He is a past President of RESNA and a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). Dr. Vanderheiden holds degrees in electrical engineering and biomedical engineering. He received his Ph.D. in Technology in Communication Rehabilitation and Child Development, an interdisciplinary degree between the departments of Electrical Engineering, Communicative Disorders, Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education and Educational Psychology, from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
==Whitni Watkins==
Whitni Watkin’s carefully curated set of hard skills, spanning ILSeslibrary systems, languages, and operating systems, allow allows her to thrive as a web services engineer at one of the United States’ largest technology corporations, serving over 100,000 customers worldwide. But it is Ms. Watkins’ passion for creating empathetic communities at the intersection of technology, libraries, and education that set her apart as a thoughtful technologist with an uncanny ability to understand not only computer systems but also the social systems in which technologists work. This passion has led her to work with Girls Who Code, to establish Boston’s LibTechrs meetup group which is open to all with an interest in technology, to lead the Massachusetts Library Association’s technology group, and to encourage women to enter technology fields and to feel accepted and confident in those fields. A sought-after public speaker, having spoken at Electronic Resources & Libraries, Code4Lib, and ALA Annual and MidWinter, as well as many other conferences in the United States and Canada, including as Keybote Keynote at EBSCO Presents, Ms. Watkins would craft and deliver a keynote that brings us together from our diverse viewpoints and ready us for the conference for people who code for libraries.
[http://whitni.usWhitni Watkins' homepage]<br>
[ Purposeful Empathy slidedeck]
[ Whitni Watkins on LinkedIn]
== Kate Zwaard ==
Kate Zwaard was named the Chief of National Digital Initiatives at Library of Congress in August 2016 after 5 years work as the product manager for digital repository development in the LoC. Prior to her work at LoC, she worked at the US Government Printing Office as program development specialist and then as their lead program planner. Kate and her NDI group recently launched [ LoC Labs], a platform to encourage innovation with Libarry of Congress digital collections", in September 2017. Her experience as programmer and then as a leader gives her great insights from several perspectives.

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