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* How can implementing microdata and schema.org optimize your sites for search engines?
* What tools are available?
== Stack View: A Library Browsing Tool ==
* Annie Cain, Harvard Library Innovation Lab, acain@law.harvard.edu
* Jeff Goldenson, Harvard Library Innovation Lab, jgoldenson@law.harvard.edu
In an effort to recreate and build upon the traditional method of browsing a physical library, we used catalog data, including dimensions and page count, to create a [http://librarylab.law.harvard.edu/projects/stackview/ virtual shelf].
This CSS and JavaScript backed visualization allows items to sit on any number of different shelves, really taking advantage of its digital nature. See how we built Stack View on top of our data and learn how you can create shelves of your own using our open source code.
[[Category: Code4Lib2012]]