'''Purpose:''' To connect with other code4libbers in the area and start building a code4lib community in Toronto, Ontario. (taken from the Ottawa group =P )<br>
'''Hashtag:''' #code4libTO (unofficially) since many also use #c4ln and just used the general #code4lib
===Next Meetup===
DatePick a date: Thursday, December 13 - 5:30pm<br>Location: 4th floor Electronic Class Room (rm. 4-033), Robarts Library at University of Toronto, [http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=130+St+George+St,+Toronto,+ON&sll=43.662749,-79.395962&sspn=0.012962,0.018454&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=addr 130 St. George Street, Toronto]<br>Social (Sign-up is now closed): 7:30pm at [http://www.thebedfordacademydoodle.com/ Bedford Academy], 36 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto [http://goo.gl/maps/PcgOF Map] ====Talks====5-20 mins* Web Services Architecture - including ILS & other systems integration (Alan H.) - 10-15 mins* Bookfinder (Cynthia & Steven) - 15-20 mins* [http://heritage.utoronto.ca Heritage U of T] (Andrew) - 10 mins* Ladder (aka [http://www.mytpl.ca MyTPL 2]) (MJ) - 5-10 mins* [https://github.com/ruebot/bagit-profiles BagIt Profiles] and/or [https://github.com/ruebot/ia-torrent iaTorrent] <-- [http://showterm.io/c16b767ca4dc29ae29b81 showterm demo] (nruest) - 5-10 minutes4i9hv24pstrikfx5
====Ideas for Later Meetups====