
2016 Invited Speakers Nominations

43 bytes removed, 21:53, 21 September 2015
Updated Kortney Ryan Ziegler nomination
== Kortney Ryan Ziegler ==
Founder, The founder of [ Trans*H4CK ]--the only tech event of its kind that brings visibility to trans* tech innovators and entrepreneurs--Kortney Ryan Ziegler is an award winning artist, writer, and blogger based in Oakland, California. Dr. Ziegler is also the first person to hold the Ph.D. of African American Studies from Northwestern University. Dr. Ziegler is the founder of [ Trans*H4CK]--the only tech event of its kind that brings visibility to trans* tech innovators and entrepreneurs. He is also , the director of the multiple award winning documentary, [ STILL BLACK: a portrait of black transmen], and runs the GLAAD Media Award nominated blog, [ blac (k) ademic], and in . In 2013, Dr. Ziegler was named one of the Top 40 Under 40 LGBT activists by The Advocate Magazine and one of the most influential African Americans by TheRoot100. Dr. Ziegler , and in 2014 he gave the closing keynote at the 2014 Annual LITA Forum in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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