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413 bytes added, 18:34, 10 November 2013
Lightning Talk Proposals
* I would like to discuss the process involved in evaluating the responses to requests for proposals for technology projects. There are often several very good submissions once the basic requirements are met, and at that point it becomes more about the style of the vendor and what kind of project it is. We recently went through this process, so I will use some anonymized examples from our process to illustrate my talk.
Cynthia Ng, CILS @ Langara College* "Shifting Perspectives: From Disability Accommodation to Universal Design<br>Too often we design for the ""average"" user and then tack on accommodations for those with disabilities, but there is no ""average"" user to speak of, and we all use ""assistive"" technology. With this presentation, I hope to help shift the way we think about library services and their delivery."
== '''Hackfest/Breakout Suggestions''' ==

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