
Umlaut wishlist

400 bytes added, 19:57, 31 July 2008
LibraryLookup added
* xISBN/thingISBN use. (Some thought is required in how to integrate this while avoiding false positives). Bowker ISSN service for metadata enhancement. OCLC xISSN? Integrate preceding/succeeding title information from OPAC or xISSN?
* LibraryLookup: At least until xISBN is baked in we could provide a link to this service. Increases the chances of finding a desired book in the catalog through work set grouping. Used by LibX.
* Journal covers from Ulrich's via screen-scraping (or Ulrich's/sersol built in api?)
* Fix Umlaut Referent to more easily allow multiple authors. Architectural change neccessary to get a lot of this stuff working right.
* "Cited by" service. Scopus via screen scraping? (scopus javascript api? ) ISI Web of Science is too hard to even screen scrape the interface is such a mess, but Scopus looks do-able. Google scholar?