
2013 Code4Lib Midwest Conference

17 bytes removed, 15:19, 25 May 2012
Code4Lib MidWest meeting will be held at [ Michigan State University Libraries]
* '''When''' - Tuesday, July 24th starting at 9am-ish until Wednesday, July 25th
* '''Where''' - **Tuesday in the MSU Libraries North Conference room (, 4th floor, west wing of Main Library - map: []) - **Wednesday in the MSU Libraries Reference Instruction room (, 1st floor, lobby area of Main Library - map (in the yellow area): [])
* '''Contact''' - [!/ranti Ranti Junus] (That One) , [!/ksattler Kelly Sattler] (Room Wrangler), [!/aaroncollie Aaron Collie] (Social & Logistics Buff), [!/mreidsma Mathew Reidsma] (Programming Lord)