
2014 Keynote by Sumana Harihareswara

4,635 bytes added, 14:10, 30 March 2014
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* [ ‏@yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana is hiring ;c)
* [ @sclapp] Oh I totally get that - our keynoter purposefully went back from mgt to coding #c4l14
* [ @cm_harlow] 'the last mil problem' - laying down the wires, but actually hooking up the houses got lost in costs, details (bad metaphor?) #c4l14
* [ @mejackreed] "Usability is like the last mile problem" @brainwane #c4l14
* [ ‏@MrDys] .@brainwane's #c4l14 keynote is about UX. Bam.
* [ ‏@yo_bj] #c4l14 Usability is like the Last Mile problem. We need to be disciplined to make things usable and connecting to users.
* [ @sclapp] I like that - usability is like that old "last mile problem" - so crucial, hard to do, & necessary not final phase though #c4l14
* [ ‏@yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana metafilter shout out :cD
* [ ‏@yo_bj] MT @cm_harlow: Sumana- last mile bad metaphor bc it shouldn't be saved for last stretch of work- UX should be involved whole time #c4l14
* [ ‏@cm_harlow] Sumana- last mile bad metaphor bc it shouldn't be saved for last stretch of work- user experience should be involved the whole time #c4l14
* [ @yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana Metafilter thread in question: Your New Coffee Overlord | MetaFilter …
* [ ‏@sclapp] @jessamyn gets a shout out @ #c4l14!
* [ ‏@helrond] I heart me a keynote about user experience at a tech conference. #c4l14
* [ ‏@cm_harlow] Sumana - in tech, we are better at building arteries than capillaries #c4l14 #unsurespelling
* [ @kayiwa] I so don't get usability or I've misused/misunderstood it! #c4l14
* [ @gugek] Speaking of k-cups: #c4l14 … from Library Link of the Day
* [ ‏@yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana UX makes people do bad choices, like payday loans. Happy to hear Sumana making those connections.
* [ @cm_harlow] Sumana - using example of @nypl ebooks low lending rates, as compared to physical books lending rates #c4l14
* [ @sclapp] Payday lending hurts users in long-run but the ux of these places is brilliantly executed so users are loyal #c4l14
* [ @cm_harlow] Sumana- shout out to @nypl_labs about research on 19 steps required to access ebooks from nypl #c4l14
* [ ‏@eefahy] The revolution (#c4l14) will be (is currently being) televised (streamed) …
* [ ‏@JuniorTidal] #c4l14 It takes 18 steps to borrow an eBook? Painful UX :(
* [ @yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana NYPL ebook lending example. Circulation numbers are pretty much crap. Why? 18 separate steps to check out an ebook.
* [ @phette23] . @brainwane: Biggest challenge for Wikimedia is gaining & retaining editors. Usability makes a difference here. Fear of wiki text. #c4l14
* [ ‏@bohyunkim] @nypl_labs will work on reducing the current 18/19 steps of NYPL ebook lending to 3 steps for users. --- @brainwane #c4l14
* [ ‏@cm_harlow] Sumana- need for diverse perspectives on usability #hellsyeah #c4l14
* [ ‏@yo_bj] #c4l14 Sumana Currently working on gaining, retaining Wikipedia editors. Little UX things make huge difference. Example, edit link placement
* [ @seanaery] eBook borrowing UX stinks and it shows: NYPL print vs ebook borrowing 13:1 compared to ~3:1 sales. #c4l14 keynote.
* [ ‏@kayiwa] Time for me to really contribute to the (Ki)Swahili version of Wikipedia #c4l14