
2023 Scholarship Documents/Logistics emails

8 bytes removed, 16:31, 6 December 2022
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'''(Need more information. Below is the email from last year.)'''
 Due to the nature of hosting this conference on campus, in 2022 there will not be a centralized hotel location. The Local Planning Committee is looking into small blocks of rooms at nearby hotels where we hope to secure rooms at modestly discounted rates. Check the Buffalo Code4Lib website for more information, which will be added as it becomes available. If making your own reservation causes a hardship, please reach out to Kathy or Jenn for assistance.
If you have any other needs or questions, please feel free to reach out to us or to any of your contacts on the Scholarship Committee ( We look forward to meeting you in Buffalo and to a great Code4lib 2022!
== Logistics Email 2 ==