Revision as of 20:14, 20 June 2014 by Griffey (Talk | contribs) (Code4Lib DC 2014 unconference)

Revision as of 20:14, 20 June 2014 by Griffey (Talk | contribs) (Code4Lib DC 2014 unconference)

Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C, etc.

We want to bring the code{4}lib experience to the library community in the Maryland, Washington, D.C., and the great Commonwealth of Virginia area. Our hope is that meeting at the regional level will strengthen our local connections and develop more real world collaborative efforts.

We met quarterly throughout 2012. We've enjoyed a number of in depth technical presentations on a variety of topics. Meetings have been free to attend. Past host institutions have been the Smithsonian, GWU, and the Arlington Public Library. We're looking forward to a 2013 of the same calibre. If you are in the area, please do feel free to drop in. If you are unable to make it in person, check with the hosts to see if distance participation is an option. We did have one distance person with us at one of the Smithsonian meet ups. :)

Code4Lib DC 2014 unconference

August 11-12, 2014
Gelman Library
George Washington University

Connect with fellow code-interested cultural heritage professionals at two side-by-side events: a DC-area code4lib unconference and an introduction to programming workshop. As typical of unconferences, the content and activities of the day are determined by the attendees. Bring your ideas! We encourage everyone to consider giving a 10-20 minute talk, a lightning talk, lead a workshop, or organize another activity.

The two events are intended to provide an inclusive, welcoming environment, supported by the DLF Code of Conduct. The schedule includes opportunities for the attendees in each track to meet each other, including a plenary opening session, shared lightning talks, Day 2 afternoon unconference events, and combined coffee/lunch/snack breaks.

These events are sponsored by the Digital Library Federation and the GW Libraries.

Details, schedule, and registration: GW Libraries site.

We'll be using this page to facilitate sign-ups for unconference talks and activities.

Volunteer to lead or moderate a talk or session:

  • Name, Topic/Title, Duration, Type (talk, lightning talk, discussion, hackfest, activity, etc)

Day 2 afternoon workshops

  • Name, Topic/Title, Duration (3 hours or 1.5 hours)
  • Jason Griffey, Hacking on Hardware (3 hours): Come and join me for an afternoon filled with circuits and silicon! We'll be learning the basics of breadboards and simple circuits, and building our own input/output systems with Arduino. Learn the basics of programming to the Arduino...hardware will be provided, although you will need your own laptop (or are comfortable team learning with someone else).

Next Meeting

Last Meeting

When: Thursday, September 13th 2012 4:30-5:30p meet, 5:30p-? Tasty beverages
Where:Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, 10th and Constitution Ave. NW, Washington DC 20004 Room CEG 15, Library Conference Room. Google Map Please meet near the totem pole in the Constitution Ave Lobby
How: Nearest METRO stops are Federal Triangle on Blue/Orange, Archives/Navy Memorial on Yellow/Green or Metro Center (everything else.)

Tentative Agenda

Main Meeting 4:30

  • Introductions (5 minutes)
    • Linked Data projects and +1
  • Business matters

5:30ish - Iron Horse for a beer. or Asia Nine if beer is not your thing.


Attending: Eric P., Brooke, Keri (SIL), Joel (SIL), Carol, Ben Wallberg (UMd), Terry Brady G'town

Previous Meetings

'Wednesday, 27 June, 2012 4:30-6 Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Main Meeting

  • Introductions (5 minutes)
  • Anyone went to ALA? Did we miss anything? (10 min)
  • Anyone going to wikimania? (Brooke is :D)
  • Brooke is going to thatcamp, too. (
  • Lightning talks, demos & Discussion (25 min.)
  • Katie Filbert: Wikidata Project
  • (tentative) Michael Levy: Blacklight at USHMM
  • backplane, dchud
  • Requests, ideas, topics for future gatherings (10 min.)
  • Selection of next venue and schedule (2 min. 30 sec.) "can't grab a beer until we get a volunteer(tm)"

5:30ish - Iron Horse for a beer.

Attending/Regrets RSVP for 6/27: Rosy, Brooke, Joe, Dan, Josh, Keri, Joel, Katie, Terry, Michael, Carol, Nicholas, Ed

Paul @ UMW needs a ride from Fredericksburg in order to attend. Can anyone help him out?? Hmmm. Would he be cool with being picked up in the late morning and then taking the Metro from Alexandriaish? -Brooke Eric P is workin' the late shift

Tuesday, 10 April, 2012 4-5 at The George Washington University Gelman Library in Foggy Bottom, DC 2130 H Street NW Washington DC 20052
4ish Main Meeting

  • Introductions
  • Selection of next venue and a thanks to this round's host
  • Update on the wider code{4}lib community
  • You know you want to talk about summat. Joe did it.
  • Requests, ideas, and volunteers for topics for future gatherings

5ish Booze!

This meeting will be an ad hoc meeting for code{4}libMDC. If you have any bril ideas on how to fill the time, feel free to post them here. If no one posts anything, we'll enjoy an open exchange of ideas and updates on each other's work. All are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there! Tuesday, 10 January, 2012 10:00AM to Noon at The George Washington University Gelman Library in Foggy Bottom, DC 2130 H Street NW Washington DC 20052

10 - Noon Main Meeting

  • Introductions
  • Selection of next venue and a thanks to this round's host
  • Update on the wider code{4}lib community
  • There will be a quick summary of FRBR, and a possible solution for aggregates which opens up a whole 'nother can of worms, but allows for some complex relationships to be described.
  • Requests, ideas, and volunteers for topics for future gatherings

12:15–1:30 Lunch

There are a whole bunch of lunch spots near the Library. We didn't do lunch last time, but maybe we will this go.

Tuesday, 13 September, 2011 10-11.20ish at Arlington Public Library Central Branch in Arlington, VA

With representatives present from Public, Academic, and Special Libraries, this looked to be a great start to rejuvenating the Chapter. (School Librarians, come out and play!) We had a great discussion about Linked Data. We reaffirmed that we'll hold quarterly meetings, and that doing so regularly will help keep things rolling. We hope to have diverse subjects to explore to keep everyone's interest. We'll hold off on formal governance until a larger group necessitates formality.

The Martin Luther King Library in the District would like help with Library Lab DC if anyone would like to participate in that endeavour. This is also a wonderful place to go if you're looking for spot to house open collaboration.

There were a couple of interesting meetings and events to attend that we shared with one another.


  • 10 - Noon Main Meeting
  • Introductions
  • Discussion of current venue.
  • Shameless plug for ( Fall for the Book)
  • Hash out possibilities of other venues.
  • Is the frequency right? Will quarterly meetings still work?
  • Is the Chapter's problem indicative of fragmented general regional Library collaboration?
  • Update on the wider code{4}lib community
  • Discuss and invite folks to get involved with Library Lab DC at the DCPL
  • Requests, ideas, and volunteers for topics for future gatherings
  • Governance (do we want any?)
  • 12:15–1:30 Lunch

There are a whole bunch of lunch spots near the Library.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 9:00am to 4:30pm at National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, MD

This meeting will be a joint meeting between code{4}libMDC and the DC Fedora Users Group. This meeting is a joint meeting between the two groups, the first part of the day is code{4}libMDC meeting, centered on our stated goal to focus our second meeting on Fedora. This part of the meeting will follow the same time line as our initial meeting. After lunch, the meeting will be the initial meeting of the DC Fedora Users Group, however all are welcome and encouraged to attend. This part of the meeting will deal with the more technical aspects of Fedora.


8:30–9:00	Coffee and sign-in

9:00–9:10	Welcome and Introductions

9:10–9:30	MarcEdit (Chuck Schoppet, NAL)

9:30-10:15	Fedora/DuraSpace/ Update (Thornton Staples) and DuraCloud project and LC pilot (Andrew Woods)

10:15–10:30	Break

10:30-12:00	Fedora Projects (NASA Goddard, University of Maryland, NLM)

12:00-12:15	code{4}libMDC business discussion

12:15–1:30	Lunch

1:30–4:30	Fedora Users Group technical discussions (with break) 

Code4LibMDC had it's first meeting on Friday April 3, at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville MD a.m. A total of 30 people attended including people from: USDA, NASA, National Agricultural Library, Library of Congress, The Supreme Court Library, The United States Senate Library, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.


  1. Welcome by Maria Pisa, NAL's Associate Director for Public Services
  2. Individual introductions
  3. Presentations
     · John Doyle from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) gave a presentation on the use of Fedora Commons at NLM.
     · Vernon Chapman from the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) gave a presentation on Searching OAI-PMH metadata with SOLR. 
  4. Discussion of Next steps for Code4LibMDC
     · What will this group to be?
           · Open to all in the library community.
           · Showcase of library technology.
           · Formula for sharing of code and ideas.
           · A place for the development of collaborate projects.
     · How to get involved?
           · Prepare presentation on what you are currently working on:
               · Preparing for a new ILS.
               · Metadata translation
               · Digital repositories 
           · Share ideas.
           · Join smaller ad hoc meetings.
           · Set up a local Listserv for this group.     
  5. Scheduling
     · Meet quarterly for face to face meetings 
     · Hosted at sites in the area.
     · Vote on location of meeting on local Listserv.