2015 Code4Lib Midwest Meeting

Revision as of 15:22, 14 May 2015 by Jshank (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 15:22, 14 May 2015 by Jshank (Talk | contribs)

Code4Lib Midwest 2015 Meeting

Mark your calendars -- The Ohio State University Libraries will be hosting the Code4Lib Midwest 2015 meeting in Columbus, OH.


Code4Lib MidWest meeting will be hosted by The Ohio State University Libraries.

  • When - July 23 and July 24, 2015
  • Where - Thompson Library, room 165 at OSU
  • Who - contact person: Terry Reese (reese.2179@osu.edu )


Suggested Hotels

  • The Blackwell Inn (2110 Tuttle Park Place, Columbus, OH 43210 :: +1 (614) 247-4000)

-The Blackwell Inn is located on campus, roughly 0.2 miles from the Thompson Library.

-The Varsity Inn South is roughly 1.7 miles from the Thompson Library.

Directions, restaurants, and more


Tentative Thursday, July 23rd

8:30 - 9:00: Check-in

9:00 - 9:20: Welcome and House Keeping

9:20 - 9:40: Presentation #1

9:40 - 10:00: Presentation #2

10:00 - 10:20: Presentation #3

10:20 - 10:40: Break/Networking

10:40 - 11:00: Presentation #4

11:00 - 12:00: Lightening Talks

12:00 - 1:30: Lunch

1:30 - 5:00: Hands on Workshop...tentative topic; supporting digital humanities.

look at topics related to text mining, topic models, n-grams, visualization

6:30 - ? Social

Tentative Friday, July 24th

8:00 - 8:30: Checkin
8:30 - 8:45: Housekeeping
8:45 - 9:45: Lightening Talks #2
9:45 - 10:00: Break
10:00 - 10:20: Presentation #5
10:20 - 10:40: Presentation #6
10:40 - 11:00: Presentation #7
11:00 - 12:00: Lightening Talks #3 / Tech petting zoo?
12:00 - 12:30: Closing

Social Media Goodness

Twitter hash tag: #c4lmw

Technical Details

  • We'll have a Projector station with hookups, as well as a community PC Laptop with Powerpoint.
  • Both a wired and wireless mic
  • Wifi

Programming Sign-up

Code4Lib Midwest programming depends on the folks attending the conference. Please consider giving a presentation or lightning talk, or submitting your ideas for the hackfest/workshop.

Share what you are working on! Add your name and a description below. Please also let us know how long you'll need, and whether you prefer Wednesday or Thursday (or if it doesn't matter)

Presentations or Workshops

ActiveSierra - Sean Crowe and James Van Mil: while waiting for a useful API from III, we've modeled useful bits of the Sierra database for use in Rails apps and in vanilla ruby. We'd be able to present the SierraDNA and ActiveRecord/ActiveModel frameworks with some of the tools we're building (~1 hour?). If folks have access to their home III database systems, we could also host a workshop/hackfest around these tools.

Text mining: An introduction - This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to the use of Python's Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), and through this process participants will learn the rudiments of text mining. While it may sound trivial, the workshop will count and tabulate words. How many words are in a given document? What are those words, and how often do they occur? How significant are those words compared to a similar sent in a different document? Visualize the comparison. Identify where selected words appear in a document and visualize that. After identifying significant words in a text, use a simple keyword-in-context (concordance) application to understand who the words are used in the text. Using these simple techniques a person can "read" a large corpuse of materials quickly and easily. Participants will be expected to have their own computers with the NLTK previously installed. --Eric Lease Morgan (University of Notre Dame)

Lightning Talks

Have something cool to share but you don't want to be in front of the room for more than 5 minutes? Lightning talks are for you. Sign up now or at the conference:

Suggested topic: Benefits and risks of attempting user driven development : Early Adopters --> Use Cases --> Agile. Is this an art or a science, a structured process or a dialectic? (Linda Newman and team from UC)


Registration is free. List your name, affiliation, and email address here to register for the meeting. If you signed up and are unable to attend please remove your name or contact us, so that we can make room for others.

Contact Ryan Wick (ryanwick@gmail.com) with your preferred username to set up a Code4Lib wiki account, or ask Terry Reese (reese.2179@osu.edu) to add your name to this list if you prefer not to set up an account.:

  1. David Malone - Wheaton College (david.malone%wheaton.edu)
  2. Ralph LeVan - OCLC (levan@oclc.org)
  3. Britain Woodman - University of Michigan (britainwumichedu)
  4. Angela Galvan - Ohio State University (galvan.as@gmail.com)
  5. Carrie Preston - Ohio University (prestonc@ohio.edu)
  6. Laurie Lee Moses - Center for Black Music Research at Columbia College Chicago (lmoses@colum.edu)
  7. Sasha Griffin - Denison University (griffins@denison.edu)
  8. Daniel Weddington - Berea College (Daniel_Weddington@berea.edu)
  9. Ken Irwin - Wittenberg University (kirwin@wittenberg.edu)
  10. Jane Wu - Otterbein University (jwu@otterbein.edu)
  11. James Van Mil - University of Cincinnati (vanmiljf@ucmail.uc.edu)
  12. Nathan Tallman - University of Cincinnati (tallmann@ucmail.uc.edu)
  13. Sean Crowe - University of Cincinnati (crowesn@ucmail.uc.edu)
  14. Glen Horton - University of Cincinnati (hortongn@ucmail.uc.edu)
  15. Linda Newman - University of Cincinnati (newmanld@ucmail.uc.edu) (If we reach 50 and UC has more than it's share of attendees let me know.)
  16. Jeffrey Mudge - Wheaton College (jeffrey.mudge@wheaton.edu)
  17. Karen Coombs - OCLC (coombsk@oclc.org)
  18. Thomas Scherz - University of Cincinnati (scherztc@ucmail.uc.edu)
  19. Ann Schoenenberger - Kenton County Public Library (Ann.Schoenenberger@kentonlibrary.org)
  20. Christina Harlow - University of Tennessee, Knoxville (charlow2@utk.edu)
  21. Megan Kudzia - Albion College (moneill@albion.edu)
  22. Eric Lease Morgan - University of Notre Dame (emorgan@nd.edu)
  23. Peter Murray (jester@dltj.org)
  24. Jonathan Shank- Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (j-shank@northwestern.edu)

The capacity of our venue requires us to cap participation at 50. Beyond that, please put your name, affiliation and email address on the wait list and we'll email you if a spot opens up for you.
