2013 Code4Lib Midwest Conference

Revision as of 17:53, 21 May 2010 by (Talk) (Registration)

Revision as of 17:53, 21 May 2010 by (Talk) (Registration)

Inaugural Code4Lib Midwest Meeting

The Inaugural Code4Lib "Midwest" Meeting will be held at the University of Notre Dame:

  • Who - Anybody and everybody is invited, especially if you are interested in aspects of computers and librarianship
  • What - A Code4Lib "mini-conference"
  • When - Friday, June 11 starting at 10 o'clock until Saturday, June 12 around noon
  • Where - Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame (Indiana) (home page, maps)
  • Why - Because community is a good thing, and communication is the key to our success


The agenda is be very simple and includes things such as but not limited to:

  • introductions and agenda reformulation
  • lightning talks
  • show & tell
  • lunch at the dinning hall
  • tour of campus
  • some sort of presentation to library faculty/staff where we will try to get a "Code4Lib Challenge" from the audience
  • hack sessions
  • social event at Eric Morgan's house
  • more hacking

Lightning Talks, Show & Tell, and Workshops

If you would like to give a lightning talk, do a show & tell, or even give a more formal workshop, then please add your topic and name below. This will help others learn more about what the Meeting will have to offer.

  • tei2epub - a lightning talk about converting TEI/XML into "ebook" files (Eric Morgan)
  • XC - a description of what is happening with the XC (eXtensible Catalog) and maybe a demonstration of a local XC implementation (Eric Morgan)
  • offline catalog for the Liberal Arts in Prison Program - how to use XAMPP, VuFind, and a portable hard drive to create an offline version of the library catalog that can be used for courses taught to prisoners who aren't allowed to have Internet access (Julia Bauder) (This will be a show-and-tell if I can borrow a Windows machine to show it on - it doesn't run on Linux, and I don't own a Windows laptop.)
  • bilingual subject heading web service - LCSH in/Spanish version out. Currently under development for OCLC Connexion client. What would a more generalized standards based service look like? (Mike Kreyche)


There are quite a number of hotels in the immediate area, but the following two are recommended in priority order:

  1. Inn at St. Mary's - Close. Inexpensive. Gets very good recommendations. Probably serves a breakfast. Within walking distance, but also hosts a shuttle service
  2. Morris Inn - On campus and therefore very close. A bit pricey. A nice hotel.


Registration will make it easier for us to plan as well as get you wireless access while you are here. To register, simply send Eric Morgan an email message, and he will keep track of things.


There are no fees with the exception of your hotel and travel costs. At least one lunch and one dinner will be provided.

Mailing list

For better or for worse, Code4Lib "Midwest" has low-traffic mailing list/Google group. Consider subscribing.


We hope you will consider visiting us here in northern Indiana. We will do our very best to make it worth your while.