2013 preconference proposals

Revision as of 19:53, 16 January 2013 by Charper (Talk | contribs) (RailsBridge Intro to Ruby on Rails)

Revision as of 19:53, 16 January 2013 by Charper (Talk | contribs) (RailsBridge Intro to Ruby on Rails)

Please sign up to attend by January 15th. Doesn't mean you can't change your mind, but we will use the host committee will use these numbers to assign rooms.

Proposals now closed.

Spaces available: 4+ Rooms

Please follow the formatting guidelines:

=== Talk Title ===
* Presenter/Leader, affiliation (optional), and email address (mandatory!)
* Second Presenter/Leader, affiliation, email address, if applicable


Full Day

Drupal4lib Sub-con Barcamp

This will be a full day of self-selected barcamp style sessions. Anyone who wants to present can write down the topic on an index card and, after the keynote, we will vote to choose what we want to see. Attendees can also pick a topic and attempt to talk someone else into presenting on it.

If we run out of topics, we will pay homage to the project by testing patches for Drupal 8. It is easy, and we will show you how to do this invaluable task.

This event is open to the library community. There is a nominal fee ($10) for non-Code4LibCon attendees.

Local Drupal uber-ninja Larry Garfield will stop by to answer questions and give us some guidance.

I plan on attending:

All Day
  • Margaret Heller
  • Mahria Lebow, mahria at uw edu
  • Paula Gray-Overtoom, pgrayove at gmail.com
  • Dhanushka Samarakoon, dhanu80 at g mail com
  • Kevin Reiss, Princeton University Library, kr2 at princeton.edu (afternoon only)
  • Christina Salazar (afternoon only)
  • Sarah Dooley (afternoon)
  • Josh Wilson, joshwilsonnc at gmail (likely afternoon only)
  • Ken Varnum, varnum at umich e-d-u
  • Cody Hennesy, chennesy at library berkeley edu

Half Day Morning

Open space session

  • Dan Chudnov, dchud at gwu edu

The rest of code4libcon is pretty well structured these days; come in the morning for a few hours of old-school open space technology unconference. Bring a rough talk or idea you want to share or questions you have or something you want to learn about or discuss with other people, and be ready to tell us about it. Use it as extra prep time for your upcoming prepared or lightning talk if you want. We'll plan the morning out a little bit at the beginning, but not too much. What we do will be up to the people there in the room.

If there's interest, we could start with a "welcome to code4lib" introductory session for newcomers.

I plan on attending:

  • Devon Smith
  • Esmé Cowles, escowles@ucsd.edu
  • Jason Casden
  • Ryan Eby
  • mark matienzo
  • Donald Mennerich
  • Patrick Berry, pberry@csuchico.edu
  • Kåre Fiedler Christiansen, kfc@statsbiblioteket.dk
  • Michael Poltorak Nielsen mn at statsbiblioteket dot dk
  • Joe Atzberger, ohiocore@gmail.com

Delivery services

  • Ted Lawless, Brown University Library, tlawless at brown edu.
  • Kevin Reiss, Princeton University Library, kr2 at princeton edu.

Are you interested in making it easier for users to obtain copies of known items? Do you feel your OpenURL and Interlibrary Loan software could be streamlined? This pre-conference workshop will focus on providing services that deliver content to users. Discovery systems are doing a better job of exposing library holdings but there's still a lot of work to do actually get the content in the users hands.

Possible topics/activities include:

  • group discussion of what some libraries have done in this area
  • comparisons of different approaches to addressing delivery
  • overview of tools available
  • sharing of strategies and experiences
  • time to work with and review open source code in this area. Some possible tools to install and test out Umlaut, Py360 Link.

Resources and background information:

I plan on attending:

  • Ken Varnum, varnum at umich e-d-u
  • Ayla Stein
  • Curtis Thacker
  • Rosalyn Metz rosalynmetz at gmail com
  • James Van Mil - james.vanmil at gmail com
  • Andrew Nagy
  • Ranti Junus
  • Aaron Collier - acollier at csufresno edu
  • Demian Katz - demian dot katz at villanova dot edu
  • Jacob Andresen - jacob at reindex dot dk
  • Erin White - erwhite at vcu edu
  • Zeno Tajoli tajoli at cilea it

Intro to Blacklight CANCELLED

PLEASE NOTE: This pre-conference has been cancelled in favor of joining forces with the RailsBridge workshop. The afternoon Blacklight session will still be offered.

RailsBridge Intro to Ruby on Rails

  • Jason Ronallo, North Carolina State University Libraries, jnronall@ncsu.edu
  • Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts (mark at curationexperts.com)
  • Shaun Ellis (helper), Princeton University Library, shaune@princeton.edu
  • Ross Singer, Talis, rossfsinger@gmail.com
  • Adam Wead (helper), Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, awead@rockhall.org
  • Bess Sadler, Stanford University, bess@stanford.edu
  • Anyone else want to come and help folks? Contact Jason.

RailsBridge comes to code4lib! We'll follow the RailsBridge curriculum (http://railsbridge.org) to provide a gentle introduction to Ruby on Rails. Topics covered include an introduction to the Ruby language, the Rails framework, and version control with git. Participants will build a working Rails application.

There will be some pre-preconference preparation needed so that we can effectively use our time. Details to come.

  • Note: Attendees can follow up with the Intro to Blacklight afternoon session, which will be tailored for folks new to Ruby

Please add your name below and fill out the experience survey.

I plan on attending:

  1. First and last name and email address
  2. John MacGillivray
  3. Jon Stroop - jstroop at princeton
  4. Christina Salazar - christina{dot}salazar{at}csuci{dot}edu
  5. Karen Coombs - coombsk{at}oclc{dot}org
  6. Becky Yoose - b dot yoose at google overlord
  7. Jeremy Morse - jgmorse at umich
  8. Julia Bauder - julia{dot}bauder{at}gmail{dot}com
  9. Chung Kang
  10. Karen Miller - k-miller3{at}northwestern{dot}edu
  11. Betsy Coles - bcoles{at}caltech{dot}edu
  12. Jay Luker - jay{dot}luker{at}gmail{dot}com
  13. Santi Thompson
  14. Sarah Dooley - sarah{at}nclive{dot}org
  15. Brandon Dudley
  16. Ken Irwin
  17. Dennis Ogg - ogg{at}ucar{dot}edu
  18. Ian Walls - iwalls{at}library{dot}umass{dot}edu
  19. Steven Villereal – villereal{at}gmail{dot}com
  20. Hillel Arnold - hillel{dot}arnold{at}gmail{dot}com
  21. Josh Wilson - joshwilsonnc at gmail
  22. Cynthia Ng - cynthia [dot] s [dot] ng [at] gmail
  23. Ian Chan
  24. Heidi Frank - hf36{at}nyu{dot}edu
  25. Mark Mounts - mark{dot}mounts{at}dartmouth{dot}edu
  26. Bill McMillin - wmcmilli{at}pratt {dot}edu
  27. David Lacy - david dot lacy at villanova dot edu
  28. Courtney Greene - crgreene at indiana dot edu
  29. Laney McGlohon - lmcglohon@getty.edu
  30. Nancy Enneking - nenneking@getty.edu
  31. Jason Raitz - jcraitz at ncsu dot edu
  32. Nick Cappadona
  33. Steven Marsden - steven.marsden@ryerson.ca
  34. Linda Ballinger - ballingerl at newberry dot org
  35. Brendan Quinn - brendan-quinn at northwestern dot edu
  36. Michael Levy - mlevy {at}ushmm {dot}org
  37. Michael North (m-north at northwestern dot edu)
  38. Shawn Averkamp - shawnaverkamp{at}gmail{dot}com
  39. Allan Berry - allan{dot}berry{at}gmail{dot}com
  40. Andrew Darby - agdarby at miami dot edu
  41. Cody Hennesy - chennesy at library dot berkeley dot edu
  42. Devin Higgins - higgi135 at msu dot edu
  43. Emily Zervas - emily{dot}zervas{at}gmail{dot}com
  44. Rob Dumas - rdumas {at} chipublib {dot} org
  45. Evan Boyd - eboyd /at/ ctschicago /period/ edu
  46. William Hicks - William{dot}hicks{at}unt{dot}edu
  47. Lauren Ajamie - lauren dot ajamie at nd dot edu
  48. David Anderson - david dot anderson3 at nih dot gov
  49. David Bucknum - dabu at loc dot gov
  50. Dave Menninger - dave.menninger at gmail dot com
  51. Chris Day - cday2 at saic dot edu
  52. Corey Harper - corey{dot}harper{at}nyu{dot}edu

Intro to NoSQL Databases

  • Joshua Gomez, George Washington University, jngomez at gwu edu

Since Google published its paper on BigTable in 2006, alternatives to the traditional relational database model have been growing in both variety and popularity. These new databases (often referred to as NoSQL databases) excel at handling problems faced by modern information systems that the traditional relational model cannot. They are particularly popular among organizations tackling the so-called "Big Data" problems. However, there are always tradeoffs involved when making such dramatic changes. Understanding how these different kinds of databases are designed and what they can offer is essential to the decision making process. In this precon I will discuss some of the various types of new databases (key-value, columnar, document, graph) and walk through examples or exercises using some of their open source implementations like Riak, HBase, CouchDB, and Neo4j.

I plan on attending:

  • Esha Datta
  • Trevor Thornton
  • Michael Doran
  • Ray Schwartz - schwartzr2@wpunj.edu
  • Kevin Clarke
  • Andreas Orphanides
  • Tommy Ingulfsen - tommying{at}caltech{dot}edu
  • Harrison Dekker
  • Eric James eric dot james at yale dot edu
  • Sean Crowe - sean.crowe@uc.edu
  • Scott Hanrath
  • Erin Fahy - erin.fahy at mtholyoke edu
  • Karen Coyle - kcoyle at kcoyle.net
  • Charles Draper
  • David Uspal
  • Shawn Kiewel - smkiewel at uga dot edu
  • Stephanie Collett - stephanie dot collett at ucop dot edu
  • Declan Fleming - declan at declan dot net
  • David Gonzalez - d.gonzalez26 at umiami dot edu
  • Jeff Peterson - gpeterso at umn dot edu
  • May Chan - msuicat at gmail dot com
  • Kathryn Stine - kathryn dot stine at ucop dot edu
  • Tim Thompson - t.thompson5{at}miami{dot}edu
  • Eben English - eenglish [at] bpl dot org
  • Marisa Strong - marisa dot strong at ucop dot edu
  • Michael Lindsey - mackeral at gmail dot com
  • Mike Hagedon - hagedonm at u dot library dot arizona dot edu
  • Scott Fisher - first/last name with dot in between at ucop dot edu
  • James Griffin - griffinj at lafayette dot edu
  • Jesse Brown - jfbrown78 at gmail dot com
  • Dave Green david dot L dot green at dartmouth dot edu
  • Michael Poltorak Nielsen mn at statsbiblioteket dot dk
  • Mads Villadsen, mv@statsbiblioteket.dk
  • Jørn Thøgersen, jt@statsbiblioteket.dk
  • Julien Gibert, gibert at abes dot fr
  • Lisa Gonzalez, lgonzalez@ctu.edu
  • Charles Ledvina, charles@indexdata.com
  • Jim LeFager, jlefager@depaul.edu

Half Day Afternoon

Data Visualization Hackfest

  • Chris Beer, cabeer at stanford.edu
  • Dan Chudnov, dchud at gwu edu
  • Description: Want to hack/design/plan/document on a team of people who enjoy learning by creating? Interested in data visualization? Well, this hackfest is for you. Not familiar with the concept of a hackfest? See Roy Tennant's "Where Librarians Go To Hack" and the page for the Access 2010 Hackfest. We propose a half-day hackfest with a focus on visualization library data -- think stuff like library catalog data, access/circulation statistics, etc. Here's how it works, roughly:
- we'll (you'll!) do lightning tutorials for some data visualization tools, toolkits (R? d3js? ?), datasets.
- we'll separate into groups and hack on stuff.
- at the end of the day, we'll present our progress.

Not a code hacker? No worries; all skill sets and backgrounds are valuable!

I plan on attending:

  • Devon Smith
  • Esha Datta
  • Ray Schwartz - schwartzr2@wpunj.edu
  • Karen Coombs - coombsk{at}oclc{dot}org
  • Julia Bauder - julia{dot}bauder{at}gmail{dot}com
  • Jason Stirnaman (jstirnaman at kumc.edu)
  • Joshua Gomez
  • Ayla Stein
  • Harrison Dekker
  • Ian Walls - iwalls{at}library{dot}umass{dot}edu
  • Scott Hanrath
  • Keven Jeffery
  • James Van Mil - james.vanmil at gmail com
  • Sean Crowe - sean.crowe@uc.edu
  • Karen coyle - kcoyle at kcoyle.net
  • David Lacy - david dot lacy at villanova dot edu
  • mark matienzo
  • David Uspal
  • Emily Lynema - ejlynema at ncsu dot edu
  • Sean Chen
  • Donald Mennerich
  • Allan Berry - allan{dot}berry{at}gmail{dot}com
  • Declan Fleming - declan at declan dot net
  • Chick Markley -- chick at qrhino dot com
  • Rosalyn Metz -- rosalynmetz at gmail com
  • Devin Higgins - higgi135 at msu dot edu
  • Emily Zervas emily{dot}zervas{at}gmail{dot}com
  • May Chan -- msuicat at gmail dot com
  • Kathryn Stine - kathryn dot stine at ucop dot edu
  • Tim Thompson - t.thompson5{at}miami{dot}edu
  • James Griffin - griffinj at lafayette dot edu
  • Dave Menninger dave.menninger at gmail dot com
  • Dave Green david dot L dot green at dartmouth dot edu
  • Rikke Willer - riwi at dtic dot dtu dot dk
  • Michael Poltorak NIelsen mn at statsbiblioteket dot dk
  • Mads Villadsen, mv@statsbiblioteket.dk
  • Jørn Thøgersen, jt@statsbiblioteket.dk
  • Joe Atzberger, ohiocore@gmail.com
  • Julien Gibert, gibert at abes dot fr
  • Christie Peterson - cpeterson at jhu dot edu
  • Lisa Gonzalez - lgonzalez@ctu.edu
  • Jim LeFager - jlefager@depaul.edu

Intro to Hydra

  • Adam Wead, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (awead at rockhall.org)
  • Justin Coyne, Data Curation Experts (justin.coyne at curationexperts.com)
  • Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts (mark at curationexperts.com)

Hydra (http://projecthydra.org) is a free and open source repository solution that is being used by institutions on both sides of the North Atlantic to provide access to their digital content. Hydra provides a versatile and feature rich environment for end-users and repository administrators alike. Leveraging Blacklight as its front end discovery interface, the hydra project provides a suite of software components, data models, and design patterns for building a robust and sustainable digital repository, as well as a community of support for ongoing development. This workshop will provide an introduction to the hydra project and its software components. Attendees will leave with enough knowledge to get started building their own local repository solutions. This workshop will be led by Adam Wead of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

I plan on attending:

  • Jeremy Prevost
  • Dennis Ogg - ogg{at}ucar{dot}edu
  • Terry Brady
  • Betsy Coles - bcoles{at}caltech{dot}edu
  • Brendan Quinn - brendan-quinn at northwestern dot edu
  • Shawn Kiewel - smkiewel at uga dot edu
  • Steven Villereal – villereal{at}gmail{dot}com
  • Ryan Eby
  • Dean Farrell
  • Ian Chan
  • Mark Mounts - mark{dot}mounts{at}dartmouth{dot}edu
  • Carl Jones
  • Laney McGlohon - lmcglohon@getty.edu
  • Nancy Enneking - nenneking@getty.edu
  • Allan Berry - allan{dot}berry{at}gmail{dot}com
  • Andrew Darby - agdarby at miami dot edu
  • Kåre Fiedler Christiansen - kfc@statsbiblioteket.dk

Intro to Blacklight

  • Bess Sadler, Stanford University Library (bess at stanford.edu)
  • Jason Ronallo, NC State (jronallo at gmail.com)
  • Shaun Ellis (helper), Princeton University Library, (shaune@princeton.edu)

Blacklight (http://projectblacklight.org) is a free and open source discovery interface built on solr and ruby on rails. It is used by institutions such as Stanford University, NC State, WGBH, Johns Hopkins University, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and an ever expanding community of adopters and contributors. Blacklight can be used as a front-end discovery solution for an ILS, or the contents of a digital repository, or to provide a unified discovery solution for many siloed collections. In this workshop we will cover the basics of solr indexing and searching, setting up and customizing Blacklight, and leave time for Q&A around local issues people might encounter.

Note: this workshop will be tailored as a follow-on to the morning's RailsBridge Intro to Ruby on Rails workshop, but everyone is welcome

I plan on attending:

  • John MacGillivray
  • Jon Stroop
  • Jeremy Morse - jgmorse at umich
  • Karen Miller - k-miller3{at}northwestern{dot}edu
  • Tommy Ingulfsen - tommying{at}caltech{dot}edu
  • Chung Kang
  • Santi Thompson
  • Brandon Dudley
  • Ken Irwin
  • Hillel Arnold
  • Heidi Frank - hf36{at}nyu{dot}com
  • Chris Sharp - csharp{at}georgialibraries{dot}org
  • Bill McMillin - wmcmilli{at} pratt{dot} edu
  • Jason Raitz - jcraitz at ncsu dot edu
  • Linda Ballinger - ballingerl at newberry dot org
  • Tim Thompson - t.thompson5{at}miami{dot}edu
  • David Gonzalez - d.gonzalez26 at umiami dot edu
  • Courtney Greene - crgreene at indiana dot edu
  • Evan Boyd - eboyd /at/ ctschicago /period/ edu
  • William Hicks - William{dot}hicks{at}unt{dot}edu
  • Lauren Ajamie - lauren dot ajamie at nd dot edu
  • David Anderson - david dot anderson3 at nih dot gov
  • Michael Lindsey - mackeral at gmail dot com
  • David Bucknum - dabu at loc dot gov
  • Scott Fisher - first/last name with dot in between at ucop dot edu
  • Chris Day - cday2 at saic dot edu

DPLA Intro/Hacking

  • Presenter(s)/Leader(s): TBD
  • Guy Who'd Be Interested in Helping: Jay Luker, Smithsonian Astrophysics Data System (jluker at cfa.harvard.edu)

This is a stub proposal entered solely to beat the submission deadline. I think there's be sufficient interest in this session, but only thought of it yesterday and haven't had time to coordinate with actual DPLA'ers and confirm that any of them are definitely coming.

I plan on attending:

  • First and last name


  • Jason Casden, NCSU Libraries (jmcasden at ncsu.edu)
  • Andreas Orphanides, NCSU Libraries (akorphan at ncsu.edu)

The Code4lib community is full of driven people who embrace the risks that are often associated with new projects. While these traits lead to the incredible projects that are presented at Code4lib, creative technical work also often leads to unexpected, vexing, or disappointing results even from eventually successful projects (however you define the term). Learning more about how our colleagues deal with failure in various contexts could lead to the development of better methods for communicating the value of productive failure, modifying project plans ("The Pivot"), and failing more cheaply.

Hopefully we can define the format as a group, but a fairly high level of participation is crucial if this is to be a worthwhile preconference. Some possible agenda items that could be mixed and matched to fill the afternoon:

  1. Given willing presenters, a series of 10-20 minute presentations that go into some depth about specific failures.
  2. Depending on the number of participants, either a multi- or single-track series of unconference-like themed discussions on various aspects of failure, possibly including themes like:
    • Technical failure
    • Failure to effectively address a real user need
    • Overinvestment
    • Outreach/Promotion failure
    • Design/UX failure
    • Project team communication failure
    • Missed opportunities (risk-averse failure)
    • Successes gleaned from failures
  3. A panel of participants who have prepared in advance to answer moderator and audience questions about their experience with failure.
  4. A prepared reading assignment that we could all forget to read, creating a shared fail in order to start the preconference on the right foot.

I'll serve as a moderator (if needed) and participant and would welcome more organizers. I am happy to be outvoted by participants on any of these points--I just want to get us talking about our screw-ups, blind spots, and anvils dropping from the sky.

I plan on attending:

  • Becky Yoose
  • Lisa Rabey
  • Cynthia Ng (maybe) - cynthia [dot] s [dot] ng [at] gmail
  • Patrick Berry, pberry@csuchico.edu
  • Erin White, erwhite at vcu edu

Solr 4 In Depth

  • Contact: Erik Hatcher (erik.hatcher at lucidworks.com)

The long awaited and much anticipated Solr 4 has been released! It's a really big deal. There are so many improvements, it makes the head spin. This session will cover the major feature improvements from Lucene's flexible indexing and scoring API up through SolrCloud in a digestable half-day format. Sounds like this is an evening thing that might happen at a bar somewhere?

I plan on attending:

  • First and last name
  • Erin Fahy - erin.fahy at mtholyoke edu
  • Esmé Cowles, escowles@ucsd.edu
  • Jon Stroop
  • Adam Constabars
  • Kevin Clarke
  • Jacob Andresen (jacob at reindex dot dk)
  • Ted Lawless (tlawless at brown dot edu)
  • Jay Luker
  • Tom Burton-West
  • Curtis Thacker
  • Eric James eric dot james at yale dot edu
  • Bess Sadler (bess at stanford dot edu)
  • Michael North
  • Charles Draper
  • Nick Cappadona
  • Stephanie Collett - stephanie dot collett at ucop dot edu
  • Kalee Sprague - kalee dot sprague at yale dot edu
  • Jeff Peterson - gpeterso at umn dot edu
  • Erik Hetzner
  • Demian Katz - demian dot katz at villanova dot edu
  • Eben English - eenglish at bpl dot org
  • Raman Chandrasekar
  • Jason Ronallo - jnronall@ncsu.edu
  • Eric Larson - elarson@library.wisc.edu
  • Mike Hagedon - hagedonm at u dot library dot arizona dot edu
  • Jesse Brown - jfbrown78 at gmail dot com
  • Steven Marsden - steven.marsden@ryerson.ca
  • Zeno Tajoli - tajoli at cilea it
  • Charles Ledvina - charles att indexdata dott com