2015 Lessons Learned
From Code4Lib
Conference Planning
Program & Keynotes
- Set consistent proposal opening/closing, voting opening/closing dates and times. At the very least, we should be able to agree across keynote/presentation/tshirt committees on a common time to close submissions (this year, we had closing times at 5pm, 8pm, and 11:59pm PT).
- If a podium computer is provided, make it available at the registration desk during the preconference day.
Child Care
- Print out a listing of the preconferences and their locations and give to a few volunteers to help attendees get to their destinations on time.
- Make sure there is a sign identifying the talk being given outside each room.
When a lot of people show up at once, it's best to split registration into lines based on last name.
Power cords. More than you think.
Must set up and have a run-through the day before.