Code4Lib Journal WordPress Input Guidelines

Revision as of 18:31, 27 November 2007 by Jbrinley (Talk | contribs) (Categories/Tags)

Revision as of 18:31, 27 November 2007 by Jbrinley (Talk | contribs) (Categories/Tags)

Please follow the guidelines below when creating or editing Code4Lib Journal articles in WordPress. Enter all articles as "Posts".


Title, including the subtitle, goes in the "Title" field.

Article Content

The body of the article goes in the "Post" field. The top-level header (<h1>) is used for the title of the post, so start with second-level headers (<h2>) for sections of the article. Any header from second- to sixth-level may be used as appropriate. Use HTML markup appropriately and semantically, e.g., <em> for emphasized text, <strong> for strongly emphasized text, <blockquote> when quoting blocks of text. Avoid such monstrosities as <font> and <blink>.

Images and Attached Content

Two options for images and other attached content/media:

  1. use WordPress uploaded content managing feature, or
  2. upload the content to our host manually.

jrochkind found the WordPress content managing feature to be more of a pain than it was worth, so is uploading content manually. To do that, sftp to Ask jrochkind for the password for the c4ljeditor account.

Change directory to: /public/vhost/c/c4lj/html/media

in there you'll find an "issue1" subdir. Inside THERE (or other issue dir), create a subdir with the last name of the first author, and put all your image and other attached content in there. It will now have this sort of url: imagename.png

Add to your img src or a href's as desired. You can use this not just for images, but for extended code attachments, etc.


Put all code in <pre> tags. jbrinley has also installed a neat code syntax highlighting plug-in. The jury is still out on if we like it. If we do like it, then to use it... directions needed.

External Content


While you are editing the article, there is a box labeled "Optional Excerpt" a little ways below the "Post" field. Put the abstract here. Use HTML markup as appropriate. What you put in this field is what will be distributed in our syndication feed and what will appear before the article as the abstract.


We would like to provide COinS information with every citation. To put this information in, open the Code tab, put the cursor before the citation, and click COinS. Enter the appropriate information.

Author Information

Start off each article with a paragraph stating the name(s) of the author(s). Something simple like "By Jonathan Rochkind". If desired, the author's name can be a link to something appropriate.

End each article with a second-level header that says "About the Author(s)", then give a short paragraph about each author.


Every article in issue 1 should be put in a category "Issue 1". Etc. This should make it easier to generate issue specific RSS feeds and do other stuff at a later date.