2014 preconference proposals
Code4Lib 2014 Pre-Conference Proposals
Proposals will be accepted through December 6th, 2013.
Please fill out your proposal in the following format. If you are interested in attending a proposed pre-conference add your name to the list for that proposal.
Pitch Format:
"Full-Day|Half-Day" [PREFERRED TIME]
Interested in Attending
If you would be interested in attending, please indicate by adding your name (but not email address, etc.) here
Drupal4lib Sub-con Barcamp
Full Day
- Contact Cary Gordon, cgordon@chillco.com
This will be a full day of self-selected barcamp style sessions. Anyone who wants to present can write down the topic on an index card and, after the keynote, we will vote to choose what we want to see. Attendees can also pick a topic and attempt to talk someone else into presenting on it.
This event is open to the library community. There will be a nominal fee (t/b/d) for non-Code4LibCon attendees (subject to organizer approval).
resources to help you learn drupal
Interested in Attending:
All Day
Renna Tuten
Open Refine Hackfest
- Contact Chad Nelson, chadbnelson@gmail.com
Open Refine is a powerful open source tool for wrangling messy data that can also be used to help in the creation of Linked Data via the Reconciliation API. It is possible to write reconciliation services against API's, like the VIAF service or, even just against local authority files for helping maintain authority control
The session would first introduce Open Refine, then walk through building a reconciliation service, and the rest of the session would be a hackfest where we build new reconciliation services for public consumption or local use.
Interested in Attending
If you would be interested in attending, please indicate by adding your name (but not email address, etc.) here
Responsive Design Hackfest
"Half-Day [Afternoon]"
- Contact Jim Hahn, University of Illinois, jimfhahn@gmail.com
- Contact David Ward, University of Illinois, dh-ward@illinois.edu
This structured hackfest will give attendees an opportunity to explore methods to create responsive mobile apps using the Bootstrap framework [1]and a set of APIs for accessing library data. We will start with an API template for creating space-based mobile tools that draw from work coming out of the IMLS funded Student/Library Collaborative grant [2]. Available APIs will include a room reservation template and codebase for implementing at any campus and the set of Minrva catalog APIs generating JSONP [3].
Hosts will give a brief report of a study on student hacking projects and interests in mobile library apps that are the basis for the templates utilized in this Hackathon. By the end of the pre-conference attendees will have a sample responsive mobile web app in Bootstrap 3 to bring back to their campus which can plug into their site-based content.
Interested in Attending
If you would be interested in attending, please indicate by adding your name (but not email address, etc.) here
Intro to Blacklight
"Half-Day [Morning]"
- Contact Chris Beer, Stanford University, cabeer@stanford.edu
This session will be walk-through of the architecture of Blacklight, the community, and an introduction to building a Blacklight-based application. Each participant will have the opportunity to build a simple Blacklight application, and make basic customizations, while using a test-driven approach.
For more information about Blacklight see our wiki ( http://projectblacklight.org/ ) and our GitHub repo ( https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight ). We will also send out some brief instructions beforehand for those that would like to setup their environments to follow along and get Blacklight up and running on their local machines.
Interested in Attending
If you would be interested in attending, please indicate by adding your name (but not email address, etc.) here
Blacklight Hackfest
"Half-Day [Afternoon]"
- Contact Chris Beer, Stanford University, cabeer@stanford.edu
This afternoon hackfest is both a follow-on to the Intro to Blacklight morning session to continue building Blacklight-based applications, and also an opportunity for existing Blacklight contributors and members of the Blacklight community to exchange common patterns and approaches into reusable gems or incorporate customizations into Blacklight itself.
For more information about Blacklight see our wiki ( http://projectblacklight.org/ ) and our GitHub repo ( https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight ).
Interested in Attending
If you would be interested in attending, please indicate by adding your name (but not email address, etc.) here
RailsBridge: Intro to programming in Ruby on Rails
"Half-Day" [morning]
- Contact Justin Coyne, Data Curation Experts, justin@curationexperts.com
Interested in learning how to program? Want to build your own web application? Never written a line of code before and are a little intimidated? There's no need to be! RailsBridge is a friendly place to get together and learn how to write some code.
RailsBridge is a great workshop that opens the doors to projects like Blacklight and Hydra.
Interested in Attending
If you would be interested in attending, please indicate by adding your name (but not email address, etc.) here
Managing Projects: Or I'm in charge, now what?
Contact: Rosalyn Metz, rosalynmetz@gmail.com
This will be a full day session on project management. We'll cover
- Kicking off the Project -- project lifecycle, project constraints, scoping/goals, stakeholders, assessment
- Planning the Project -- project charters, work breakdown structures, responsibilities, estimating time, creating budgets
- Executing the Project -- status meeting, status reports, issue management
- Finishing the Project -- achieving the goal, post mortems, project v. product
This is a revival of rosy1280's LITA Forum Pre-Conference, but better (because iteration is good)
Interested in Attending
If you would be interested in attending, please indicate by adding your name (but not email address, etc.) here