Revision as of 22:59, 18 October 2013 by Msuicat (Talk | contribs) (First Annual Code4lib BC Event)

Revision as of 22:59, 18 October 2013 by Msuicat (Talk | contribs) (First Annual Code4lib BC Event)

Welcome to code4lib BC!

Begun in Summer 2013, this chapter aims to create connections and professional development opportunities for folks from British Columbia and surrounding areas.

First Annual Code4lib BC Event

When: November 28 and 29, 2013

Where: SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver, BC map

Cost: $20

Accommodations: Info coming soon.

Register here: https://code4libbc2013.eventbrite.ca/

What: It’s a 2 day unconference! A participant-driven meeting featuring lightning talks in the mornings, hackfest in the afternoons, with coffee, tea and snacks provided. Lightning talks are brief presentations which are typically 5-10 minutes in length (15 minutes is the maximum) on topics related to library technologies: current projects, tips and tricks, or hacks in the works. Hackfest is an opportunity to bring participants together in an ad hoc fashion for a short, yet sustained period of problem solving, software development and fun. In advance of the event, we will gather project ideas in a form available through our wiki and registration pages. Each afternoon the code4libBC participants will review and discuss the proposals, break into groups, and work on some of the projects.

Who: A diverse and open community of library developers and non-developers engaging in effective, collaborative problem-solving through technology.Anyone from the library community who is interested in library technologies are welcome to join and participate, regardless of their department or background: systems and IT, public services, circulation, cataloguing and technical services, archives, digitization and preservation. All are welcome to help set the agenda, define the outcomes and develop the deliverables!

Why: Why not? code4libBC is a group of dynamic library technology practitioners throughout the province who want to build new relationships as much as develop new software solutions to problems.

Tag d'hash: #c4lbc

If you’re ready to get your hands dirty with library technology practitioners, register here: https://code4libbc2013.eventbrite.ca/

Lightning Talk proposals and Hackfest/Breakout suggestions: Submit them here. View submissions here.

Our first annual code4libBC event could not have been made possible without the generous financial support of:

  • BCCATS (British Columbia Cataloguing and Technical Services Interest Group)
  • BC Electronic Library Network
  • BC Libraries Cooperative
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University
  • Simon Fraser University
  • University of Victoria

And special thanks to the BC Libraries Cooperative for assisting the organizing group with administrative duties.

Feel free to email Paul Joseph (code4libBC Chair) at paul.joseph@ubc.ca with questions or comments.