2024 Keynote Speakers Nominations

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Revision as of 18:03, 19 October 2023 by NatashaAllen (Talk | contribs)

Code4Lib 2024 will take place May 13-16, 2024 at the University of Michigan's Ann Arbor Campus.

Nominations will close at midnight on November 16, 2023.

When making a nomination, please consider whether the nominee is likely to be an excellent contributor in each of the following areas:

1) Appropriateness. Is this speaker likely to convey information that is useful to many members of our community?

2) Uniqueness. Is this speaker likely to cover themes that may not commonly appear in the rest of the program?

3) Contribution to diversity. Will this person bring something rare, notable, or unique to our community, through unusual experience or background?

Please include a description and any relevant links. Please try to keep the list in alphabetical order.

We require the following information in your nomination for a candidate to act as keynote:

  • Speaker’s full name
  • Brief description of individual (250-word max)
  • Pertinent links (Maximum of 3)
  • Contact information for candidate (email address)

The Keynote Committee will attempt to contact all nominees and will only include on the ballot those who consent to be nominated.

If you would prefer to submit a nomination anonymously, please send your nominee(s) to Mike Taylor at mike.taylor@nau.edu.

Please follow the formatting guidelines:

== Nominee's Name ==

Description of no more than 250 words.

[[Link(s) with contact information for nominee]]

[mailto:email_link.foo nominee's email address]

Jane Doe (example)

Jane works at ________, doing _______.

Some pertinent history/biography/hyperlinks that illustrates why Jane would be a good keynote speaker.


Dawna Ballard

Dawna I. Ballard (Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara) is associate professor of organizational communication and technology in the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. An expert in chronemics—i.e., the study of time as it is bound to human communication—she researches what drives our pace of life and its impact on the communication practices and long-term vitality of organizations, communities, and individuals. Dr. Ballard is currently completing a book, Time by Design (under contract at MIT Press), about how effective organizations routinely communicate slow to go fast.

She delivered a keynote at Electronic Resources & Libraries in 2016. She talked about “her work and the search for work/ life balance.” She seems to be focusing on communication among group members, which I think is pertinent to all practitioners in our field and I wonder if she has anything to say about how researchers think about time when organizing and retrieving concepts. She has done keynotes at other professional conferences but no other GLAM-related ones, as far as I can see.

Faculty page on the UT website https://commstudies.utexas.edu/faculty/dawna-ballard ER&L event: https://erl2016.sched.com/event/5ZPJ


Dr. Joy Buolamwini

https://poetofcode.com/ is a computer scientist and poet of code who uses art and research to illuminate the social implications of artificial intelligence. She founded the Algorithmic Justice League to create a world with more equitable and accountable technology. Her TED Featured Talk on algorithmic bias has over 1.4 million views. Her MIT thesis methodology uncovered large racial and gender bias in AI services from companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon. In 2020, these companies stepped back from selling facial recognition technology to law enforcement. In addition to advising elected officials during US congressional hearings, she serves on the Global Tech Panel to advise world leaders and executives on reducing AI harms.

Dr. Buolamwini has a book coming out in late October 2023 called Unmasking AI which is investigating the harms and biases of AI. I feel she has a number of intersecting interests that are relevant to much of what this conferences/community discusses even though she's not directly involved in the GLAM field. Having a keynote from her would be particularly relevant given how much the GLAM community is currently wrestling with the ethical and professional concerns of using Artificial Intelligence. The algorthimic Justice league she founded has a mission to, "...raise public awareness about the impacts of AI, equip advocates with resources to bolster campaigns, build the voice and choice of the most impacted communities, and galvanize researchers, policymakers, and industry practitioners to prevent AI harms." I have no idea if she would be available or if this would be feasible as she's becoming more well-known but just throwing her name out just in case!

the email for the company who manages her speaking engagements