Umlaut Installation

Revision as of 20:06, 26 November 2008 by (Talk) (4. Install Umlaut)

Revision as of 20:06, 26 November 2008 by (Talk) (4. Install Umlaut)

To install Umlaut

1. Make sure you have a modern Ruby

Rails recommends Ruby 1.8.4 (and requires at least 1.8.2, but 1.8.3 is incompatible). Some Red Hat versions may come with only 1.8.1. Try installing Ruby with your package manager of choice, and see if you can get 1.8.4. If not, try installing from source:

  1. [Download 1.8.4>]
  2. tar -zxvf ruby-1.8.4.tar.gz
  3. cd ruby-1.8.4
  4. sudo ./configure
  5. sudo make
  6. sudo make install

2. Install RubyGems

Again, your package manager may be able to supply this (for example "yum install rubygems), but if not, you could again install from source:

  1. [Download here>]
  2. tar -zxvf rubygems-x.x.x.tar.gz
  3. cd rubygems-x.x.x
  4. sudo ruby setup.rb

( actually don't do this, to be safe # sudo gem update)

[NOTE: Right now, umlaut may only work with rubygems 0.9. Working on it!]

3. Install Rails

Umlaut requires Rails 2.1.2, and is bound to it in the default environment.rb. It has not been verified for Rails 2.2.x yet. So install the 2.1.2 version of Rails (you can have multiple versions of Rails installed simulataneously, don't worry about this overwriting a more recent version of Rails you may want--it won't.)

"sudo gem install rails -v 2.1.2" (say yes to any dependencies)

Note: There are various guides available on the net to getting Ruby/Rubygems/Rails installed on various OSs. Consult if you have trouble.

4. Install Umlaut

Right now, the best (only) way to install Umlaut is from it's SVN store.

For a read-only checkout:

svn checkout  ./Umlaut

Or instead of "./Umlaut", whatever local path you want to put the thing in.

For a checkout with commit privs, you need a rubyforge account and to be added to the umlaut project, then:

svn checkout svn+ssh://(developername) ./Umlaut

Umlaut comes with a number of Ruby gems and Rails plugins "frozen" into it's distribution, in vendor/plugins. You do not need to install these, they come with Umlaut. These include: json_pure ; sru; xisbn; enumerations_mixin (plugin) ; app_config (plugin); isbn-tools (plugin) ; openurl ( svn external link in plugin; needs to be fixed to link to a specific tag ); htmlentities (

However, there are a few plugins that can not be conveniently packaged with Umlaut, you need to install them yourself...

5. Install Umlaut's gem dependencies


(Umlaut will not run with WEBrick due to threading issues. Recommend installing mongrel for testing and deployment. mongrel 1.1.4 or later is highly reccommended. )

sudo gem install mongrel


(hpricot is compiled C code, so you are best off installing it yourself. Right now hpricot 0.6 is tested and confirmed. )

sudo gem install hpricot -v 0.6


A pure-ruby json library is bundled with Umlaut automatically, but you really ought to install the compiled C one on your server instead, for much better performance. Umlaut will automatically use it if present. Currently verified with version 1.1.3

sudo gem install json -v 1.1.3


not neccesarily required, but mysql is the reccomended db. Umlaut won't usually run with SQLite3 due to threading issues.

Rails is supposed to be able to talk to mysql without the mysql gem installed (just less efficiently), but for some reason Umlaut seems to have trouble with this. Not sure, you can try it.

sudo gem install msyql

Except some additional configuration arguments may be neccesary to compile on your machine. On a RedHat machine, this works:

sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/lib/mysql/mysql_config

On Ubuntu you will also need to:

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev

Then you can:

sudo gem install mysql

Ubuntu also packages the mysql library, if you'd rather use that version you can try:

sudo apt-get install libmysql-ruby

More optional gems

  • Voyager sites that want to bypass z39.50 and access Oracle directly will need Oracle Instant Client or Full Client installed on the same machine as the Umlaut. (This native Voyager code is not currently verified as working.) Oracle OCI8 Oracle Instant Client

Now You Need to Setup Umlaut

Good job, you've got all software installed, now you need to do some setup. See Umlaut Setup.