2013 preconference proposals
Proposals close Friday, November 2 at 5pm PT.
Spaces available: 4+ Rooms
Please follow the formatting guidelines:
=== Talk Title === * Presenter/Leader, affiliation (optional), and email address (mandatory!) * Second Presenter/Leader, affiliation, email address, if applicable Description.
Full Day
Half Day Morning
Half Day Afternoon
Data Visualization Hackfest
- Description: Want to hack/design/plan/document on a team of people who enjoy learning by creating? Interested in data visualization? Well, this hackfest is for you. Not familiar with the concept of a hackfest? See Roy Tennant's "Where Librarians Go To Hack" and the page for the Access 2010 Hackfest. We propose a half-day hackfest with a focus on visualization library data -- think stuff like library catalog data, access/circulation statistics, etc. Here's how it works, roughly:
- we'll (you'll!) do lightning tutorials for some data visualization tools, toolkits (R? d3js? ?), datasets. - we'll separate into groups and hack on stuff. - at the end of the day, we'll present our progress.
Not a code hacker? No worries; all skill sets and backgrounds are valuable!
- Duration: half-day
- Contact: Chris Beer (cabeer at stanford.edu)