2013 social activities

Revision as of 13:46, 15 December 2012 by Sibylschaefer (Talk | contribs) (Flying Trapeze)

Revision as of 13:46, 15 December 2012 by Sibylschaefer (Talk | contribs) (Flying Trapeze)


  • Game Night! Type of games might vary due to interest, could range from party games like Werewolf, Wits & Wagers, Telestrations, Taboo, Apples to Apples to perhaps more strategic games like De Vulgari Eloquentia or Eclipse. Jon Gorman is willing to bring some games, are you? Jon will try to send out an email soon to get some interest.
    • yo_bj: I have some games I can bring as well (Kill Doctor Lucky, Fluxx, Godzilla: Stomp, Munchkin Zombies, etc.)
    • danwho: I 'll bring the Cards Against Humanity set.
    • escowles: I've got lots of games I could bring like Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Age of Renaissance, Elfenland, Agricola, Le Havre, Smallworld, RoboRally, etc. etc.
  • Brewery tour - some possible candidates would be Goose Island, Brew Bus http://www.chicagobrewbus.com/, Piece, Revolution, Half Acre.
  • Library field trips - because we're library geeks. Possible places include Newberry and Read/Write.--Read/Write Library confirmed for February 12.

Planned Events

Newcomer Dinner

When: Tuesday, 2/12, evening

More info to follow...

Veg*n Dinner

Let's have dinner at a veg*n-friendly place one night of the conference. All welcome.

Details later. Suggestions on where to eat near the conference hotel? Interested in coming or co-organizing? Contact Jason at jronallo@gmail.com.

Code4lib/Goose Island Brewing Pull Request

When: Wednesday, 2/13, 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM

More information and sign up at [1]

Non-beery get together

When: Wednesday, 2/13, TBD (evening)

Contact: @dchud, @ranti, @yo_bj, @wendyrlibrarian

Flying Trapeze

When: Monday, 2/11, TBD

Contact: rosalynmetz at gmail dot com

No this is not a joke. If you haven't heard Rosy is an aspiring trapeze artists and wants to bring the fun to her friends in Code4Lib. There is a trapeze rig in Chicago and she plans on visiting it and hopes that some of you can come along as well. If its your first time taking a trapeze class, they'll start you off learning a knee hang and depending on how that goes you might be able to catch it at the end of class. If you have any questions about whether or not this is for you, TSNY Chicago's website should have the answer, if not feel free to contact Rosy.

Trapeze classes are $57, last 2 hours, and are limited to 10 people. Currently TSNY Chicago hasn't release their class schedule for February -- they should be doing that around Jan. 1. If we can get enough people interested before then, we can buy out a whole class. If not it'll be first come, first serve (along with the general public).

If you're interested in signing up, feel free to add your name and contact info to the list below.

Sign Up List

  1. Jay Luker (first!)
  2. Bill McMillin
  3. Bess Sadler
  4. Karen Coyle
  5. Sibyl Schaefer

Social Map - Places of Interest


Local Events

Local Food

Local Drinks

Chicago Events Feb 11-14

Monday February 11

Tuesday, February 12

Field trip to the Read/Write Library (details to follow). 6-9 PM+ Come help catalog the Read/Write Library catalog and hack on the library catalog. We will also invite friends from Code for America to hang out and talk civic data.

Wednesday, February 13

Thursday, February 14