2013 Twitter List
Put your twitter handle in here, if you're at Code4Lib 2013 Chicago. I'll add you to the Attendees 2013 twitter list for @code4lib when I get a chance. Thanks! -Sean
- Becky Yoose (@yo_bj)
- Beatrice Pulliam (@beatricepulliam)
- Cynthia Ng (@TheRealArty)
- Nettie Lagace (@abugseye)
- Erin White (@erinrwhite)
- Maccabee Levine (@maccabeelevine)
- Steven Bassett (@bassettsj)
- Steve Oberg (@techsvcslib)
- Carmen Mitchell (@carmendarlene)
- Christie Peterson (@save4use)
- Jason Casden (@cazzerson)
- Michael Poltorak (@michaelpoltorak)
- Ron Gilmour (@gilmour70)
- James Staub (@jamesstaub)
- Curtis Thacker (@curtisthacker)
- Masao Takaku (@tmasao)
- Colin Watt (@colinmwatt)
- Dave Green (@icookwithwine)
- Alan Dyck (@Alan_Dyck)
- Megan O'Neill Kudzia (@meganoneill)
- Keith Nickum (@keithnickum)
- Matt Critchlow (@mattcritchlow)
- Matt Bernhardt (@morphosis7)
- May Chan (@msuicat)
- Courtney C. Mumma (@snarkivist, @Archivematica)
- Scott Hanrath (@rshanrath)