Sponsor Logos for T-Shirt
Where a link is provided, there are several versions - select the one that will work best for the particular use.
- OCLC: http://oclc.org/en-US/news/media-kit/logos.html
- Cherry Hill Company: sent to Code4Lib2014 google group (TMM)
- Princeton: http://www.princeton.edu/communications/services/image/graphic/logo/
- DuraSpace: http://www.duraspace.org/logos.php
- UCSD: http://www.publications.ucsd.edu/guidelines/logo-request.php (logo request form)
- Penn State: http://agsci.psu.edu/communications/resources/marks
- UPenn: http://www.upenn.edu/computing/web/webdev/style/resources/identity.html (request access)
- Oregon State: http://oregonstate.edu/brand/logo-downloads
- IndexData
- Ebsco: https://www.ebscohost.com/customerSuccess/default.php?id=189
- Kuali OLE
- Proquest
- Nashville Public Library
- Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
- LucidWorks
- User Friendly Consulting, Inc.
- Blacklight: http://www.stanford.edu/~jchris/blacklight-logos/