CLLAM Schedule

Revision as of 19:50, 20 March 2014 by Charper (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 19:50, 20 March 2014 by Charper (Talk | contribs)


09:00-09:20: Intros, overview, background, schedule (Corey) 
09:20-09:40: Repurposing Library Data (Rob): Using Library & Archive materials for secondary purposes, with focus on World War I data. 
09:40-10:00: Open Refine: NER -> LC -> Discovery (Corey): Automated subject analysis for digital collections, for use with Library discovery systems. 
10:00-10:20: Knowledge-Base Population (Doug): Text Analysis, NER, and Wikification with declassified state department cables and Time Magazine 
10:20-10:40: Break 
10:40-11:00: Automated Image Annotation (Rob): Automated markup of descriptive metadata, dimensions, basic analysis using ImageMagick scripting. 
11:00-11:20: Apollo Mission Reconstruction (Doug): Automated mashup creation across transcripts, video, images, and oral histories. 
11:20-11:40: Downstream Use & Humanities Scholars (Amalia) 
11:40-12:00: Morning wrapup / afternoon preparation (time permitting) (Corey) 

12:00-13:30: Lunch (On Your Own)


13:30-14:00: Setting the Afternoon Agenda (Corey & Doug Moderate) 
14:00-16:30: Breakout Sessions, Consultations, Discussion, Hacking: Open-Space Meeting