2015 During the Conference Volunteers
code4lib 2015 During the Conference Volunteers
Preconference Setup Help
Help manage preconference sessions, setting up projectors, etc.
Welcome Wagon Committee
Offers conference newcomers an opportunity to self-identify; offers oldtimers an opportunity to meet newcomers. May also want to constitute a year-round variation for #code4lib.
- Becky Yoose (b.yoose at google)
Social Networking
Responsible for non-IRC social networking presence.
1-2 person(s) to take questions for sessions (assuming there's time during the session) via Twitter/IRC, and adding resources to lanyrd schedule (slides, notes, resources mentioned, etc.) Make a note if you can only do one or both.
Consider directing people with questions to presenter on twitter/IRC (if applicable) if there is no time for questions.
Help set up and clean up after the Tuesday event at the Ebay offices.
- Karen Estlund - setup
IRC Helpers
Demonstrate how to get onto #code4lib during Registration. Offer support for newcomers in #code4lib during the conference.
One of the easiest ways to participate is to Go here with your web browser. Choose a nickname (anything works so long as it is unique; if you want to be anonymous pick appropriately). Enter "code4lib" as the "Channel".
If you've managed to get into the channel without help, type "@helpers" (without the quotes) to see a list of #code4lib helpers.
IRC Access
Look into technology/procedures to make connecting to, and maintaining a connection to, IRC less painful. i.e. make sure wifi will allow connection, and someone needs to contact freenode about the sudden influx of people
- Mx Matienzo (anarchivist)
Registration Desk Volunteers
Tuesday AM
Tuesday PM
Wednesday AM
- Becky, destroyer of last names, singer of badly adapted show tunes
Wednesday PM
Thursday AM
Session Timer Volunteers
People who volunteer to sit up front, keep time (and bring timer equipment - i.e. a laptop with a stopwatch program). It's good to have two people in each slot to back each other up in case of machinery failure.
Schedule for Session Timers
Tuesday AM
- Francis Kayiwa (Mr. Sweetie Poo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAnVNXaa5oA)
Tuesday PM
Wednesday AM
Wednesday PM
Thursday AM