2015 During the Conference Volunteers
code4lib 2015 During the Conference Volunteers
Preconference Setup Help
Help manage preconference sessions, setting up projectors, etc.
- John Sarnowski (at ResCarta)
Welcome Wagon Committee
Offers conference newcomers an opportunity to self-identify; offers oldtimers an opportunity to meet newcomers. May also want to constitute a year-round variation for #code4lib.
- Becky Yoose (b.yoose at google)
Social Networking
Responsible for non-IRC social networking presence.
1-2 person(s) to take questions for sessions (assuming there's time during the session) via Twitter/IRC, and adding resources to lanyrd schedule (slides, notes, resources mentioned, etc.) Make a note if you can only do one or both.
Consider directing people with questions to presenter on twitter/IRC (if applicable) if there is no time for questions.
Help set up and clean up after the Tuesday event at the Ebay offices.
- Karen Estlund - setup
- John Sarnowski - clean up (at ResCarta)
- Dominic Bordelon - clean up
IRC Helpers
Demonstrate how to get onto #code4lib during Registration. Offer support for newcomers in #code4lib during the conference.
One of the easiest ways to participate is to Go here with your web browser. Choose a nickname (anything works so long as it is unique; if you want to be anonymous pick appropriately). Enter "code4lib" as the "Channel".
If you've managed to get into the channel without help, type "@helpers" (without the quotes) to see a list of #code4lib helpers.
IRC Access
Look into technology/procedures to make connecting to, and maintaining a connection to, IRC less painful. i.e. make sure wifi will allow connection, and someone needs to contact freenode about the sudden influx of people
- Mx Matienzo (anarchivist)
Registration Desk Volunteers
- John Sarnowski (at ResCarta)
Tuesday AM
Tuesday PM
Wednesday AM
- Becky, destroyer of last names, singer of badly adapted show tunes
Wednesday PM
Thursday AM
Session Timer Volunteers
People who volunteer to sit up front, keep time (and bring timer equipment - i.e. a laptop with a stopwatch program). It's good to have two people in each slot to back each other up in case of machinery failure.
Schedule for Session Timers
Tuesday AM
- Francis Kayiwa (Mr. Sweetie Poo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAnVNXaa5oA)
Tuesday PM
Wednesday AM
- John Sarnowski (at ResCarta)
Wednesday PM
- Dominic Bordelon
Thursday AM