2016 Conference Volunteers

Revision as of 21:34, 26 January 2016 by Kat3 drx (Talk | contribs) (MCs)

Revision as of 21:34, 26 January 2016 by Kat3 drx (Talk | contribs) (MCs)

Code4Lib 2016 Volunteers sign-up page. As roles are identified, the page will be periodically updated with new opportunities to volunteer.

For general questions, or if you identify a volunteer need not covered in the list below, feel free to contact David Uspal (LPC Committee Contact for Volunteers) at david DOT uspal AT villanova DOT edu.

Welcome Wagon/Concierge Committee

Helps with greeting newcomers, directing people to evening activities and local points of interest, etc. and being generally awesome to the community.

Conference Logistics

Sets up registration table, signage and welcome packets, ensures proper power availability to conference attendees, etc.


  • Katherine Lynch


Preconference Setup Help

Help manage preconference sessions, setting up projectors, etc.

Sheraton Society Hill (Conference Hotel):

Chemical Heritage Foundation:

Franklin Hall:

Social Networking

Answering general questions on Twitter and IRC:

Ask questions on mic on behalf of community (because of distance, mic aversion, etc)




IRC (Technical)

Access: Look into technology/procedures to make connecting to, and maintaining a connection to, IRC less painful. i.e. make sure wifi will allow connection, and someone needs to contact freenode about the sudden influx of people.

  • Mx Matienzo (anarchivist)

Helper: Demonstrate how to get onto #code4lib during Registration. Offer support for newcomers in #code4lib during the conference.

Registration Desk Volunteers





Tuesday AM:

  • David Lacy

Tuesday PM:

Wednesday AM:

Wednesday PM:

  • Katherine Lynch

Thursday AM:

Session Timer Volunteers

People who volunteer to sit up front, keep time (and bring timer equipment - i.e. a laptop or tablet with a stopwatch program). It's good to have two people in each slot to back each other up in case of machinery failure.

Tuesday AM:

Tuesday PM:

Wednesday AM:

Wednesday PM:

Thursday AM:

The Whatever Crew