2016 Code4Lib Midwest Meeting

Revision as of 19:17, 19 May 2016 by Rsteed (Talk | contribs) (Registration)

Revision as of 19:17, 19 May 2016 by Rsteed (Talk | contribs) (Registration)

Code4Lib Midwest 2016 Meeting

Mark your calendars -- The University of Chicago Library will host the Code4Lib Midwest 2016 meeting in Chicago, IL.


Code4Lib MidWest meeting will be hosted by The University of Chicago Library.

  • When - July 14 & 15, 2016 (NOTE: date change)
  • Where - Regenstein Library, room 122, 1100 East 57th Street, Chicago. (Map)
  • Who - contact person: Tod Olson ( tod at uchicago.edu )



Chicago is served by Midway Airport (closest to UChicago) and O'Hare International Airport (much further), Amtrak, and bus lines.

Directions to campus:


There are a few hotel options in Hyde Park, including:


The parking garage at 55th St. & Ellis Ave. is an option for visitor parking, at a rate of $25 per day.


Tentative Thursday, July 14th

8:30-9:00: Check-in
9:00-9:15: Welcome and introductory remarks
9:15-12:00: Talks & Break
12:00-1:00: Lunch
1:00-5:00: Talks & Break

Tentative Friday, July 15th

8:30-9:00: Check-in
9:00-12:00: Talks & Break

Technical Details

  • WiFi: Wireless access will be provided, and UChicago is an Eduroam participant

Programming Sign-up

Code4Lib Midwest programming depends on the folks attending the conference. Please consider giving a presentation or lightning talk, or submitting your ideas for a hackfest/workshop.

Share what you are working on! Add your name and a description below. Please also let us know how long you'll need, and whether you prefer Wednesday or Thursday (or if it doesn't matter)


(If you'd like to propose a workshop, talk to us.)

Talk Title - [Speaker Name]: [Description]

Lightning Talks

Have something cool to share but you don't want to be in front of the room for more than 5 minutes? Lightning talks are for you. Sign up now or at the conference:


Registration is free, though we will cap at 50. List your name, affiliation, and email address here to register for the meeting. If you signed up and are unable to attend please remove your name or contact us, so that we can make room for others.

Contact Ryan Wick (ryanwick@gmail.com) with your preferred username to set up a Code4Lib wiki account, or ask Tod Olson (tod@uchicago.edu) to add your name to this list if you prefer not to set up an account.:

  1. Minhao Jiang - Wayne State (minhao.jiang % wayne.edu)
  2. Margaret Heller - Loyola University Chicago (mheller1@luc.edu)
  3. Eric Lesae Morgan - University of Notre Dame (emorgan@nd.edu)
  4. Jamie Carlstone - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Jdc6@illinois.edu)
  5. Remington Steed - Hekman Library, Calvin College (rjs7@calvin.edu)
  6. Dan Wells - Hekman Library, Calvin College (dbw2@calvin.edu)